Progress reports - Milestone eForms

school Level

Degree level

Research candidates are required to meet a number of progress milestones including an initial Annual Plan, completion of Research Integrity Training, Annual Reports, Thesis Proposal Review and the final Oral presentation of your research. These milestones are valuable project management tools that can help you and your supervisor set research goals, reflect on your research activities and ensure you are on track for successful completion of your program.

From August 2020 it is compulsory for all new HDR candidates, and existing candidates that commenced after 31 March 2018 (PhD) or after 01 September 2019 (MPhil) must complete the “Candidate Supervisor Agreement Form of expectations”. The Candidate Supervisor Agreement Matrix is designed to provide a framework to initiate and guide the discussion between candidate and supervisor.

Progress milestones are managed via ISIS as part of the eForms available to HDR candidates.

The available reports include:

  • First Annual Research Plan
  • Research Integrity Training test
  • Thesis Proposal review (Mid Term)
  • Annual Research Report and Plan
  • Oral Presentation
  • Supplementary Review

Some schools may require additional milestones such as a Mid-Year Review, completion of ethics approval and/or coursework requirements. Your supervisor or school HDR Administrator should be able to provide more details if required.

Additional information regarding milestones is available online

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