Student apointments

Student appointments

How do I apply to receive course credit or an exemption?

To request course credit or an exemption you need complete an Application for Status (credit) form with a study plan including your intended major/minor/specialisation.

For formal learning completed outside ANU, you also need to attach an official transcript from the institution as well as course/unit outlines or handbook entries for each completed course/unit. Documents must be scanned in colour and must not be re-sized. This documentation is not required for formal learning completed at ANU. Please read the ANU College of Science and Medicine Undergraduate Credit Transfer Process before submitting your application.

If you have recently transferred degrees at ANU, we will assess your eligibility for credit and notify you to your ANU student email account. You do not need to submit an Application for Status to request course credit from prior study at ANU as part of a degree transfer.

Am I following the program requirements and on track to graduate?

To check if you are following the program requirements for your degree and on track to graduate please email with a study plan including your intended major/minor/specialisation. We will confirm the requirements you have remaining to complete and advise if any changes to your study plan are required. If you have follow-up questions, we can assist you to book an appointment with a student adviser.

Am I eligible to apply for a program transfer?

You must follow the program requirements for your current degree even if you plan to transfer degrees in the future. To be eligible to apply you must have completed at least one course in your current program. Please read information about transferring between degrees and changes to Commonwealth student contribution bands if you are a domestic student before applying. To submit your application login to ISIS and select:

Main Menu (compass button in top-right corner of screen) > Navigator > ISIS > Degree Management > Apply for Degree Transfer

You will receive notification of the outcome of your application to your ANU student email account. If your application is successful, you will be required to accept your offer via ISIS to commence the new degree. Afterwards we will assess your eligibility for credit and notify you to your ANU student email account. You do not need to submit an Application for Status to request course credit from prior study at ANU as part of a degree transfer.

If you are seeking to transfer into a degree outside of the ANU College of Science and Medicine, please contact the College offering the degree you are interested in for advice.

We are here to help you and connect you with other support services on campus who can too! If you have questions at any time during your studies please feel free to contact us:

Drop-in sessionThere are currently no drop in sessions scheduled.
Face-to-faceGround Floor, Peter Baume Building #42 (entry via University Avenue).
Via email

College of Science and Medicine

Opening hours

We are open from Monday- Friday: 10am-4pm (closed 12:30pm-1:30pm)

Please note our office is closed on ACT public holidays.

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Book an appointment with the ANU College of Science and Medicine here: