Students in lab

Requesting permission to enrol

Steps to request permission to enrol

Step 1 – Request permission to enrol

Some courses are restricted to ensure students meet specific requirements before enrolling and/or because there are a limited number of places available in the course. This prevents you from being able to add the course on ISIS in the first instance.

If you do not meet the prerequisite for the course as outlined on the Programs and Courses website, you must include a statement outlining why you are requesting to enrol and attach supporting documentation that shows how you may meet the prerequisite otherwise e.g. through prior study or professional experience. Supporting documentation may include:

  • An academic transcript or statement of results
  • Course outlines
  • Curriculum vitae (CV)
  • Evidence of completion or achievement
  • Your study plan for the remainder of your program at ANU

Request permission to enrol

Step 2 – Assessment by the Course Convener

Your request will be sent to the Course Convener to assess if you meet the specific requirements to enrol. We will contact you if additional information is required and aim to process your request in three business days.

Step 3 – Notification of outcome

You will receive notification of the outcome of your request to your ANU student email account.

Step 4 – Enrol

If the Course Convener grants permission, your student record will be updated and you will receive notification you can proceed to add the course on ISIS up until the last date to enrol which falls on Monday of Week 2 at 11:59pm for Semester 1 and Semester 2*.

*If you are seeking to enrol in more than 24 units, please see frequently asked questions below for information regarding overloading.

Late enrolment request process

After the last date to enrol has passed, you will not be able to add the course successfully on ISIS and may request to enrol late.  Requests to enrol late are considered on a case by case basis by the Student Services team and require permission from the Course Convener.

Step 1

If you have not been granted permission to enrol by the Course Convener already, you may seek their permission to enrol late by submitting a request here. The deadline to submit a permission request to the Course Convener is Wednesday of Week 2 at 12:00pm midday for Semester 1 and Semester 2.  Late enrolment requests will not be accepted after this deadline for any reason.

Step 2

If the Course Convener grants permission, you must submit an Application for Enrolment Change (PDF, 640KB) to Student Services to seek approval to enrol late attaching a copy of the notification received confirming permission has been granted. The deadline to submit the form and notification is Monday of Week 3 at 12:00pm midday for Semester 1 and Semester 2. Please email this to Student Services based on the College offering the course (see table below). Late enrolment requests will not be accepted after this deadline for any reason.

If your program is outside of the ANU College of Science or the ANU College of Health and Medicine, you must also attach confirmation from your College that the course can count towards your program requirements.

Student Services, ANU College of Science
Student Services, ANU College of Health & Medicine

ASTR – Astronomy and Astrophysics
BIOL – Biology
CHEM – Chemistry
ENVS – Environmental Science
ESMC – Earth and Marine Science
MATH – Mathematics
PHYS – Physics
SCOM – Science Communication

HLTH – Health Science
MEDN – Medical Science
NEUR – Neuroscience
POPH – Population Health
PSYC – Psychology


Frequently Asked Questions

What is the deadline to enrol?

Semester 1 and Semester 2:

You should enrol prior to the start of semester. You can add and swap courses on ISIS up until Monday of Week 2.  After the last date to enrol has passed, you will not be able to add the course successfully on ISIS and may request to enrol late.  Requests to enrol late are considered on a case by case basis by the Student Services team and require endorsement from the Course Convener.  Please see Late enrolment request process above for information and deadlines.

Non-Standard Session Courses (Summer Session, Autumn Session, Winter Session and Spring Session):

You should enrol prior to the start date of the course. The last date to enrol and census date vary for non-standard session courses. Please check the Programs and Courses website for course/class specific dates.

How do I apply to overload my enrolment?

You can self-enrol into a maximum of 24 units per half year (typically 4 courses) on ISIS. The first half of year includes Summer Session, Semester 1 and Autumn Session and the second half of year includes Winter Session, Semester 2 and Spring Session.

If you would like to enrol in more than 24 units and meet the eligibility criteria, you can request to overload by completing the Manage My Degree eForm on ISIS uploading a copy of the notification received confirming permission has been granted by the Course Convener. 

  • Main Menu (compass button in top-right corner of screen) > Navigator > ISIS > Manage My Degree > Select ‘MMD-Coursework’

You are not considered to be overloading if you enrol in a non-standard session course and the class dates for this do not overlap with the standard semester dates. In this situation, please complete an Application for Enrolment Change (PDF, 640KB) instead and email this to Student Services based on the College offering the course (see table below) with a copy of the notification received confirming permission has been granted by the Course Convener.

If your program is outside of the ANU College of Science or the ANU College of Health and Medicine, you must also attach confirmation from your College that the course can count towards your program requirements.

Student Services, ANU College of Science
Student Services, ANU College of Health & Medicine

Bachelor of Biotechnology
Bachelor of Environment and Sustainability
Bachelor of Environment and Sustainability (Advanced) (Honours)
Bachelor of Genetics
Bachelor of Mathematical Sciences
Bachelor of Medical Science
Bachelor of Philosophy (Honours) – Science
Bachelor of Science
Bachelor of Science (Advanced) (Honours)

Bachelor of Health Science
Bachelor of Science (Psychology)
Bachelor of Psychology (Honours)


How do I request to enrol in a course offered by another College?

If you have space within your program requirements to enrol in an elective course, you can add and swap courses on ISIS up until Monday of Week 2 for Semester 1 and Semester 2 (this varies for non-standard session courses). If you are unsure or would like to double check about your program requirements, please contact Student Services based on the College offering your program for advice (see table below).

After the last date to add courses on ISIS has passed, please contact the College offering the course you are interested in for information regarding their late enrolment process. Please note enrolling now may not be possible.

Student Services, ANU College of Science
Student Services, ANU College of Health & Medicine

ASTR – Astronomy and Astrophysics
BIOL – Biology
CHEM – Chemistry
ENVS – Environmental Science
ESMC – Earth and Marine Science
MATH – Mathematics
PHYS – Physics
SCOM – Science Communication

HLTH – Health Science
MEDN – Medical Science
NEUR – Neuroscience
POPH – Population Health
PSYC – Psychology

Principal dates

Semester 2

22 July 2024: Semester 2 begins

29 July 2024: Last day to add Semester 1 courses via ISIS

31 July 2024: Deadline (12:00pm midday) to seek permission to enrol late from Course Convener for a course offered by CoS or CHM

5 August 2024: Deadline (12:00pm midday) to request to approval to enrol late from Student Services for a course offered by CoS or CHM

31 August 2024: Semester 1 census date

4 October 2024: Last day to drop Semester 1 courses without failure (WD)

30 October 2024: Last day to drop Semester 1 courses with failure (WN)

Non-standard sessions (Summer, Autumn, Winter and Spring)

The last date to enrol and census date vary for non-standard session courses. Please check the Programs and Courses website for course/class specific dates. The last day to drop a course without failure (WD) is the class end date.