Bachelor & Honours research
Discover your options to do research as an undergraduate student.
Research options at ANU
College of Science & Medicine Undergraduate Research Degrees
Advanced 4 year programs incorporating an Honours year
- Bachelor of Psychology (Honours)
- Bachelor of Science Advanced (Honours)
- Bachelor of Philosophy (Honours) - Science (PhB)
Bachelor of Science (Honours)
The Bachelors of Science (Honours) is 1 year of advanced work in a selected field of study after you finish your coursework degree.
- Students are required to nominate a research project and find a research supervisor.
- See Admission to Honours.
- The Science Honours handbook is an excellent reference.
Undergraduate Courses with Research
Some research schools offer undergraduates the opportunity to participate in research projects through a course in the third year or through a field school. Here are some examples of third-year projects:
- ASTR3005 Astrophysics Research Project
- BIOL3208 Biology Research Project
- CHEM3060 Research Project in Chemistry
- PHYS3042 Research Topics Physics
- PSYC3030 Psychology Undergraduate Research Experience
- SCNC2021 Science Research Project
Selected field schools:
ANU Summer Research Scholarship Program
The Summer Research Scholarship Program gives undergraduates the chance to explore research and see what an Honours year or postgraduate degree would involve. You can find links for school's summer programs on College Research links.
- Applications open from August 1-August 30.
- 8-week program runs from late-November to late January.
- Scholarships include travel, housing, and a weekly allowance.
- Eligibility: 3rd-year Undergraduates and Honours students at Australian or New Zealand universities. Individual ANU Colleges/academic areas may also consider students from other countries.
- Summer Research Internship placements cannot count towards academic credit.
Volunteer Research Assistant
Some researchers welcome volunteers in the research group. Talk to your schools' undergraduate convenor or honours convenor for ideas or approach a researcher directly! See Finding a research supervisor for help.
Research options outside of ANU
This is not a comprehensive list, but it's meant to give you an idea of the types of opportunities that exist. Your best resource for options in your field of study is other members of your academic community, such as lecturers and postgraduates.
Vacation Research Programs at other Australian Universities
Please check each program to see if the opportunity is running.
- Monash Summer and Winter Vacation Research Scholarship Program
- Swinburne Vacation Scholarships in Astronomy
- The International Centre for Radio Astronomy Research (ICRAR)
- University of Adelaide Summer Research Scholarships
- University of Queensland - Queensland Brain Institute Summer and Winter Research Programs
- University of South Australia Vacation Research Scholarships
- University of Sydney Summer Research Programs
- Western Sydney University and the Hawkesbury Institute for the Environment Summer Scholarships
Vacation Research Programs at Australian Government Agencies
- ACT Health Vacation Study Program
- Interim Australian CDC Vacation Internship Program
- CSIRO Undergraduate Studentships
- Department of Defence, Science, and Technology Summer Vacation Placement Program
Additional Vacation Research Programs
- Amgen Scholars Program
- Australian Mathematical Sciences Institute (AMSI) Vacation Research Scholarships
- Cancer Council Victoria Summer Vacation Studentships
- Center for Cancer Biology Student Research Opportunities
- Century Institute Summer Research Scholarship
- Heart Research Institute (HRI) Summer Research Scholarship (scroll to the bottom of the page)
- Saint Vincent's Institute Medical Research Student Opportunities
- Sydney Quantum Academy Undergraduate Research Scholarship
- Water Corporation Vacation Student Program
- WEHI - Walter & Eliza Hall Institute of Medical Research Undergraduate Vacation Scholarships and Placements
Opportunities in the USA
Since there are major differences between the Australian and USA academic calendars, be sure to check that any USA program dates are compatible with your academic plans.
- PathWays to Science - database with a very detailed search form. Use the Advanced Search form and select "Non-U.S. Citizens or Permanent Residents are eligible". Confirm if the dates are compatible with the Australian academic calendar.
- NASA Intern and Fellow Opportunities for International Students