Other courses
Courses delivered by other ANU Colleges
Some courses delivered by other ANU Colleges can contribute towards satisfying the Science component of a degree, including but not limited to the list below. Courses in the list may change over time or not be available. Courses cannot double-count towards satisfying the requirements of two degrees at once ( when in a flexible-double degree).
If you are in doubt, email students.cos@anu.edu.au to consult with a Science Sub Dean.
Any course from the following subject areas can count towards the Science Component of a degree.
For individual courses, please see the list below.
Code | Title |
ANTH1002 | Culture and Human Diversity: Introducing Anthropology |
ANTH2026 | Medicine, Healing and the Body |
ARCH2041 | Introduction to Environmental Archaeology |
ARCH3042 | Scientific Dating in Archaeology and Palaeoenvironmental Studies |
ARCH3043 | Analysis of Vertebrate Remains |
ARCH3108 | Animal and Plant Domestication |
BIAN1001 | The Human Voyage: Introduction to Biological Anthropology |
BIAN2015 | Human Skeletal Analysis |
BIAN2119 | Nutrition, Disease and the Environment |
BIAN2128 | Forensic Anthropology and Archaeology |
BIAN2130 | Ancient Medicine |
BIAN3014 | Research Design and Analysis in Biological Anthropology |
BIAN3113 | Human Evolution |
BIAN3124 | Evolution and Human Behaviour |
BIAN3125 | Ancient Health and Disease |
BIAN3127 | Primate Behaviour and Conservation |
BIAN3129 | Supervised Research in Biological Anthropology |
COMP1100 | Programming as Problem Solving |
COMP1110 | Structured Programming |
COMP1130 | Programming as Problem Solving (Advanced) |
COMP1140 | Structured Programming (Advanced) |
COMP1600 | Foundations of Computing |
COMP1710 | Web Development and Design |
COMP1720 | Art and Interaction Computing |
COMP1730 | Programming for Scientists |
COMP2100 | Software Construction |
COMP2120 | Software Engineering |
COMP2300 | Computer Organisation and Program Execution |
COMP2310 | Systems, Networks, and Concurrency |
COMP2400 | Relational Databases |
COMP2410 | Networked Information Systems |
COMP2420 | Introduction to Data Management, Analysis and Security |
COMP2550 | Computing R&D Methods |
COMP2560 | Studies in Advanced Computing R&D |
COMP2610 | Information Theory |
COMP2620 | Logic |
COMP3300 | Operating Systems Implementation |
COMP3310 | Computer Networks |
COMP3320 | High Performance Scientific Computation |
COMP3425 | Data Mining |
COMP3430 | Data Wrangling |
COMP3500 | Software Engineering Project |
COMP3540 | Game Development |
COMP3600 | Algorithms |
COMP3610 | Principles of Programming Languages |
COMP3620 | Artificial Intelligence |
COMP3630 | Theory of Computation |
COMP3670 | Introduction to Machine Learning |
COMP3710 | Topics in Computer Science |
ECON2141 | Strategic Thinking: An introduction to Game Theory |
ECON3152 | Game Theory |
ENGN1217 | Introduction to Mechanics |
ENGN1218 | Introduction to Electronics |
ENGN2222 | Engineering Thermodynamics |
ENGN2228 | Signals and Systems |
ENGN3013 | Engineering for a Humanitarian Context |
ENGN3223 | Control Systems |
ENGN3224 | Fluid Mechanics and Heat Transfer |
ENGN3226 | Digital Communications |
ENGN3334 | Semiconductors |
ENGN3512 | Optical Physics |
ENGN3516 | Energy Resources and Renewable Technologies |
ENGN3601 | Engineering Materials |
ENGN3820 | Biomedical Imaging: Principles, Technologies and Applications in Health Sciences |
ENGN3902 | Environmental Chemistry and Systems |
ENGN3903 | Environmental Sensing, Mapping and Modelling |
ENGN4027 | Sustainable Nanomaterials |
ENGN4511 | Composite Materials |
ENGN4516 | Energy Resources and Renewable Technologies |
ENGN4524 | Photovoltaic Technologies |
ENGN4525 | Solar Thermal Technologies |
ENGN4528 | Computer Vision |
ENGN4536 | Wireless Communications |
ENGN4537 | Digital Signal Processing |
ENGN4613 | Photonic Sensing Systems |
ENGN4615 | Finite Element Analysis |
ENGN4625 | Power Systems and Power Electronics |
ENGN4627 | Robotics |
ENGN4810 | Nanotechnology and Applications |
ENGN4820 | Bio Micro and Nano Electro-Mechanical Systems (BioMEMS and BioNEMS) |
PHIL1005 | Logic and Critical Thinking |
PHIL2057 | Philosophy of Science |
PHIL2061 | Philosophy of Mind |
PHIL2080 | Logic |
PHIL2082 | Sex and Death: the Philosophy of Biology |
PHIL2122 | Philosophy and Public Policy |
PHIL2123 | Philosophy and Science Fiction |
PHIL2126 | Science in Society: Ethics, Public Policy and Scientific Practice |
PHIL2127 | The Philosophy of Time |
PHIL2128 | Philosophy of Physics |
PHIL2290 | Philosophy, AI and Society |
PHIL3072 | Advanced Analytic Philosophy |
PHIL3076 | Philosophy of the Life Sciences |
PHIL3078 | The Philosophy of Emotions |
PHIL3079 | Evolution and Human Nature |
SOCY2022 | Environmental Sociology |
SOCY2038 | Introduction to Quantitative Research Methods |
SOCY2043 | Introduction to Qualitative Research Methods |
SOCY2169 | Online Research Methods |
SOCY3005 | Quantitative Projects for Inclusion and Diversity |
STAT1003 | Statistical Techniques |
STAT1003 | Statistical Techniques |
STAT1008 | Quantitative Research Methods |
STAT2001 | Introductory Mathematical Statistics |
STAT2005 | Introduction to Stochastic Processes |
STAT2008 | Regression Modelling |
STAT2013 | Introductory Mathematical Statistics for Actuarial Studies |
STAT2014 | Regression Modelling for Actuarial Studies |
STAT2032 | Financial Mathematics |
STAT3004 | Stochastic Modelling |
STAT3006 | Advanced Stochastic Processes |
STAT3008 | Applied Statistics |
STAT3011 | Graphical Data Analysis |
STAT3012 | Design of Experiments and Surveys |
STAT3013 | Statistical Inference |
STAT3015 | Generalised Linear Models |
STAT3016 | Introduction to Bayesian Data Analysis |
STAT3017 | Big Data Statistics |
STAT3032 | Survival Models |
STAT3039 | Special Topics in Statistics |
STAT3040 | Statistical Learning |
STAT3050 | Advanced Statistical Learning |
STAT3056 | Advanced Mathematical Statistics |
Code | Title |
ANTH2138 | Doing Medical Anthropology |
BIAN1001 | The Human Voyage: Introduction to Biological Anthropology |
BIAN2015 | Human Skeletal Analysis |
BIAN2119 | Nutrition, Disease and the Environment |
BIAN2120 | Culture, Biology and Population Dynamics |
BIAN2126 | Primate Evolutionary Biology |
BIAN2128 | Forensic Anthropology and Archaeology |
BIAN2130 | Ancient Medicine |
BIAN2133 | Mating and Parenting: Evolutionary Ecology of Human Reproductive Strategies |
BIAN3010 | Scientific Dating in Archaeology and Palaeoenvironmental Studies |
BIAN3014 | Research Design and Analysis in Biological Anthropology |
BIAN3016 | Analysis of Mammalian Remains |
BIAN3018 | Primate Behavioural Ecology Field School in Cambodia |
BIAN3021 | Primate Conservation Biology |
BIAN3113 | Human Evolution |
BIAN3124 | Evolution and Human Behaviour |
BIAN3125 | Ancient Health & Disease |
BIAN3127 | Primate Ecology and Behaviour |
BIAN3129 | Supervised Research in Biological Anthropology |
COMP1007 | Basics of Computer Science |
COMP1030 | Art of Computing |
COMP1040 | The Craft of Computing |
COMP1100 | Programming as Problem Solving |
COMP1110 | Structured Programming |
COMP1130 | Programming as Problem Solving (Advanced) |
COMP1140 | Structured Programming (Advanced) |
COMP1600 | Foundations of Computing (formerly COMP2600) |
COMP1710 | Web Development and Design |
COMP1720 | Art and Interaction in New Media |
COMP1730 | Programming for Scientists |
COMP2100 | Software Design Methodologies |
COMP2120 | Software Engineering |
COMP2130 | Software Analysis and Design |
COMP2140 | Java Programming |
COMP2300 | Computer Organisation and Program Execution |
COMP2310 | Systems, Networks and Concurrency |
COMP2400 | Relational Databases |
COMP2410 | Networked Information Systems |
COMP2420 | Introduction to Data Management, Analysis and Security |
COMP2550 | Advanced Computing R&D Methods |
COMP2560 | Studies in Advanced Computing R&D |
COMP2610 | Information Theory |
COMP2620 | Logic |
COMP2700 | Cyber Security Foundations |
COMP2710 | Special Topics in Computer Science |
COMP3100 | Software Engineering Group Project |
COMP3120 | Managing Software Development |
COMP3300 | Operating Systems Implementation |
COMP3310 | Computer Networks |
COMP3320 | High Performance Scientific Computation |
COMP3425 | Data Mining |
COMP3430 | Data Wrangling |
COMP3500 | Software Engineering Project |
COMP3530 | Systems Engineering for Software Engineers |
COMP3550 | Advanced Computing R&D Project |
COMP3600 | Algorithms |
COMP3610 | Principles of Programming Languages |
COMP3620 | Artificial Intelligence |
COMP3630 | Theory of Computation |
COMP3650 | System Architectural Understanding and the Human Brain |
COMP3701 | Defensive Cyber Security Operations |
COMP3702 | Offensive Cyber Security Operations |
COMP3710 | Topics in Computer Science |
COMP3740 | Project Work in Computing |
COMP3770 | Individual Research Project |
COMP3900 | Human Computer Interface Design and Evaluation |
COMP4300 | Parallel Systems |
COMP4330 | Real-Time & Embedded Systems |
COMP4340 | Multicore Computing: Principles and Practice |
COMP4450 | Advanced Computing Research Methods |
COMP4540 | Software Engineering Research Project |
COMP4550 | Advanced Computing Research Project |
COMP4560 | Advanced Computing Project |
COMP4600 | Advanced Algorithms |
COMP4610 | Computer Graphics |
COMP4620 | Advanced Topics in Artificial Intelligence |
COMP4630 | Overview of Logic and Computation |
COMP4650 | Document Analysis |
COMP4660 | Bio-inspired Computing: Applications and Interfaces |
COMP4670 | Introduction to Statistical Machine Learning |
COMP4680 | Advanced Topics in Statistical Machine Learning |
ECON2101 | Microeconomics 2 (P) |
ECON2111 | Microeconomics 2 (H) |
ECON2128 | Resource and Environmental Economics (P) |
ECON2129 | Resource and Environmental Economics (H) |
ECON2141 | Strategic Thinking: An introduction to Game Theory |
ECON2142 | Strategic Thinking: An Introduction to Game Theory (H) |
ECON3100 | Economics 3 (H) |
ECON3127 | Mathematical Economics: Technique and Applications |
ECON3128 | Resource and Environmental Economics |
ECON3152 | Game Theory (P) |
ECON3153 | Game Theory (H) |
EMET2007 | Econometrics I: Econometric Methods |
EMET3004 | Econometrics II: Econometric Modelling |
EMET3006 | Applied Micro-econometrics |
EMET3008 | Applied Macro and Financial Econometrics |
ENGN1215 | Engineering Sciences |
ENGN1217 | Introduction to Mechanics |
ENGN1218 | Introduction to Electronics |
ENGN2222 | Engineering Thermodynamics |
ENGN3223 | Control Systems |
ENGN3224 | Fluid Mechanics and Heat Transfer |
ENGN3226 | Digital Communications |
ENGN3334 | Semiconductors |
ENGN3601 | Engineering Materials |
ENGN3810 | Biomechanics and Biomaterials |
ENGN3820 | Biomedical Imaging |
ENGN4027 | Sustainable Nanomaterials |
ENGN4511 | Composite Materials |
ENGN4513 | Fibre Optics Communications Systems |
ENGN4516 | Energy Resources and Renewable Technologies |
ENGN4524 | Photovoltaic Technologies |
ENGN4525 | Solar Thermal Technologies |
ENGN4528 | Computer Vision |
ENGN4536 | Wireless Communications |
ENGN4537 | Discrete-Time Signal Processing |
ENGN4613 | Photonic Sensing Systems |
ENGN4615 | Finite Element Analysis |
ENGN4625 | Power Electronics |
ENGN4627 | Robotics |
ENGN4810 | Nanotechnology and Applications |
ENGN4820 | Bio Micro and Nano Electro-Mechanical Systems (BioMEMS and BioNEMS) |
FINM2001 | Corporate Finance |
FINM2002 | Derivatives |
FINM3003 | Continuous Time Finance |
FINM3007 | Advanced Derivatives Pricing and Applications |
PHIL1005 | Logic and Critical Thinking |
PHIL2057 | Philosophy of Science |
PHIL2061 | Philosophy of Mind |
PHIL2080 | Logic |
PHIL2082 | Sex and Death: the Philosophy of Biology |
PHIL2122 | Philosophy and Public Policy |
PHIL2123 | Philosophy and Science Fiction |
PHIL2124 | Philosophy of Cognitive Science |
PHIL2125 | Rationality and Social Cooperation |
PHIL2126 | Science in Society: Ethics, Public Policy and Scientific Practice |
PHIL2127 | The Philosophy of Time |
PHIL2128 | Philosophy of Physics |
PHIL3072 | Advanced Analytic Philosophy |
SOCY2038 | Introduction to Quantitative Research Methods |
SOCY2043 | Introduction to Qualitative Research Methods |
STAT1003 | Statistical Techniques |
STAT1008 | Quantitative Research Methods |
STAT2001 | Introductory Mathematical Statistics |
STAT2005 | Introduction to Stochastic Processes |
STAT2008 | Regression Modelling |
STAT2032 | Financial Mathematics |
STAT3004 | Stochastic Modelling |
STAT3005 | Advanced Marketing Research Methods |
STAT3006 | Advanced Stochastic Processes |
STAT3008 | Applied Statistics |
STAT3011 | Graphical Data Analysis |
STAT3012 | Design of Experiments and Surveys |
STAT3013 | Statistical Inference |
STAT3014 | Managerial Decision Analysis |
STAT3015 | Generalised Linear Modelling |
STAT3016 | Introduction to Bayesian Data Analysis |
STAT3017 | Big Data Statistics |
STAT3032 | Survival Models |
STAT3035 | Risk Theory |
STAT3036 | Credibility Theory |
STAT3039 | Special Topics in Statistics |
STAT3040 | Statistical Learning |
STAT3056 | Advanced Mathematical Statistics |
VCUG1001 | The Art of Computing |
VCUG2001 | Creating Knowledge |
VCUG2002 | Leadership and Influence in a Complex World |
VCUG2004 | Creating Impact |
VCUG3001 | Unravelling Complexity |
VCUG3002 | Mobilising Research+B177B176:B201B1A4:B201 |
Code | Title |
ANTH2138 | Doing Medical Anthropology |
BIAN1001 | The Human Voyage: Introduction to Biological Anthropology |
BIAN2015 | Human Skeletal Analysis |
BIAN2119 | Nutrition, Disease and the Environment |
BIAN2120 | Culture, Biology and Population Dynamics |
BIAN2126 | Primate Evolutionary Biology |
BIAN2128 | Forensic Anthropology and Archaeology |
BIAN2130 | Ancient Medicine |
BIAN2133 | Mating and Parenting: Evolutionary Ecology of Human Reproductive Strategies |
BIAN3010 | Scientific Dating in Archaeology and Palaeoenvironmental Studies |
BIAN3014 | Research Design and Analysis in Biological Anthropology |
BIAN3016 | Analysis of Mammalian Remains |
BIAN3018 | Primate Behavioural Ecology Field School in Cambodia |
BIAN3021 | Primate Conservation Biology |
BIAN3113 | Human Evolution |
BIAN3124 | Evolution and Human Behaviour |
BIAN3125 | Ancient Health & Disease |
BIAN3127 | Primate Ecology and Behaviour |
BIAN3129 | Supervised Research in Biological Anthropology |
COMP1007 | Basics of Computer Science |
COMP1030 | Art of Computing |
COMP1040 | The Craft of Computing |
COMP1100 | Programming as Problem Solving |
COMP1110 | Structured Programming |
COMP1130 | Programming as Problem Solving (Advanced) |
COMP1140 | Structured Programming (Advanced) |
COMP1600 | Foundations of Computing (formerly COMP2600) |
COMP1710 | Web Development and Design |
COMP1720 | Art and Interaction in New Media |
COMP1730 | Programming for Scientists |
COMP2100 | Software Design Methodologies |
COMP2120 | Software Engineering |
COMP2130 | Software Analysis and Design |
COMP2140 | Java Programming |
COMP2300 | Computer Organisation and Program Execution |
COMP2310 | Systems, Networks and Concurrency |
COMP2400 | Relational Databases |
COMP2410 | Networked Information Systems |
COMP2420 | Introduction to Data Management, Analysis and Security |
COMP2550 | Advanced Computing R&D Methods |
COMP2560 | Studies in Advanced Computing R&D |
COMP2610 | Information Theory |
COMP2620 | Logic |
COMP2700 | Cyber Security Foundations |
COMP2710 | Special Topics in Computer Science |
COMP3100 | Software Engineering Group Project |
COMP3120 | Managing Software Development |
COMP3300 | Operating Systems Implementation |
COMP3310 | Computer Networks |
COMP3320 | High Performance Scientific Computation |
COMP3425 | Data Mining |
COMP3430 | Data Wrangling |
COMP3500 | Software Engineering Project |
COMP3530 | Systems Engineering for Software Engineers |
COMP3550 | Advanced Computing R&D Project |
COMP3600 | Algorithms |
COMP3610 | Principles of Programming Languages |
COMP3620 | Artificial Intelligence |
COMP3630 | Theory of Computation |
COMP3650 | System Architectural Understanding and the Human Brain |
COMP3701 | Defensive Cyber Security Operations |
COMP3702 | Offensive Cyber Security Operations |
COMP3710 | Topics in Computer Science |
COMP3740 | Project Work in Computing |
COMP3770 | Individual Research Project |
COMP3900 | Human Computer Interface Design and Evaluation |
COMP4300 | Parallel Systems |
COMP4330 | Real-Time & Embedded Systems |
COMP4340 | Multicore Computing: Principles and Practice |
COMP4450 | Advanced Computing Research Methods |
COMP4540 | Software Engineering Research Project |
COMP4550 | Advanced Computing Research Project |
COMP4560 | Advanced Computing Project |
COMP4600 | Advanced Algorithms |
COMP4610 | Computer Graphics |
COMP4620 | Advanced Topics in Artificial Intelligence |
COMP4630 | Overview of Logic and Computation |
COMP4650 | Document Analysis |
COMP4660 | Bio-inspired Computing: Applications and Interfaces |
COMP4670 | Introduction to Statistical Machine Learning |
COMP4680 | Advanced Topics in Statistical Machine Learning |
ECON2101 | Microeconomics 2 (P) |
ECON2111 | Microeconomics 2 (H) |
ECON2128 | Resource and Environmental Economics (P) |
ECON2129 | Resource and Environmental Economics (H) |
ECON2141 | Strategic Thinking: An introduction to Game Theory |
ECON2142 | Strategic Thinking: An Introduction to Game Theory (H) |
ECON3100 | Economics 3 (H) |
ECON3127 | Mathematical Economics: Technique and Applications |
ECON3128 | Resource and Environmental Economics |
ECON3152 | Game Theory (P) |
ECON3153 | Game Theory (H) |
EMET2007 | Econometrics I: Econometric Methods |
EMET3004 | Econometrics II: Econometric Modelling |
EMET3006 | Applied Micro-econometrics |
EMET3008 | Applied Macro and Financial Econometrics |
ENGN1215 | Engineering Sciences |
ENGN1217 | Introduction to Mechanics |
ENGN1218 | Introduction to Electronics |
ENGN2222 | Engineering Thermodynamics |
ENGN3223 | Control Systems |
ENGN3224 | Fluid Mechanics and Heat Transfer |
ENGN3226 | Digital Communications |
ENGN3334 | Semiconductors |
ENGN3601 | Engineering Materials |
ENGN3810 | Biomechanics and Biomaterials |
ENGN3820 | Biomedical Imaging |
ENGN4027 | Sustainable Nanomaterials |
ENGN4511 | Composite Materials |
ENGN4513 | Fibre Optics Communications Systems |
ENGN4516 | Energy Resources and Renewable Technologies |
ENGN4524 | Photovoltaic Technologies |
ENGN4525 | Solar Thermal Technologies |
ENGN4528 | Computer Vision |
ENGN4536 | Wireless Communications |
ENGN4537 | Discrete-Time Signal Processing |
ENGN4613 | Photonic Sensing Systems |
ENGN4615 | Finite Element Analysis |
ENGN4625 | Power Electronics |
ENGN4627 | Robotics |
ENGN4810 | Nanotechnology and Applications |
ENGN4820 | Bio Micro and Nano Electro-Mechanical Systems (BioMEMS and BioNEMS) |
FINM2001 | Corporate Finance |
FINM2002 | Derivatives |
FINM3003 | Continuous Time Finance |
FINM3007 | Advanced Derivatives Pricing and Applications |
PHIL1005 | Logic and Critical Thinking |
PHIL2057 | Philosophy of Science |
PHIL2061 | Philosophy of Mind |
PHIL2080 | Logic |
PHIL2082 | Sex and Death: the Philosophy of Biology |
PHIL2122 | Philosophy and Public Policy |
PHIL2123 | Philosophy and Science Fiction |
PHIL2124 | Philosophy of Cognitive Science |
PHIL2125 | Rationality and Social Cooperation |
PHIL2126 | Science in Society: Ethics, Public Policy and Scientific Practice |
PHIL2127 | The Philosophy of Time |
PHIL2128 | Philosophy of Physics |
PHIL3072 | Advanced Analytic Philosophy |
SOCY2038 | Introduction to Quantitative Research Methods |
SOCY2043 | Introduction to Qualitative Research Methods |
STAT1003 | Statistical Techniques |
STAT1008 | Quantitative Research Methods |
STAT2001 | Introductory Mathematical Statistics |
STAT2005 | Introduction to Stochastic Processes |
STAT2008 | Regression Modelling |
STAT2032 | Financial Mathematics |
STAT3004 | Stochastic Modelling |
STAT3005 | Advanced Marketing Research Methods |
STAT3006 | Advanced Stochastic Processes |
STAT3008 | Applied Statistics |
STAT3011 | Graphical Data Analysis |
STAT3012 | Design of Experiments and Surveys |
STAT3013 | Statistical Inference |
STAT3014 | Managerial Decision Analysis |
STAT3015 | Generalised Linear Modelling |
STAT3016 | Introduction to Bayesian Data Analysis |
STAT3017 | Big Data Statistics |
STAT3032 | Survival Models |
STAT3035 | Risk Theory |
STAT3036 | Credibility Theory |
STAT3039 | Special Topics in Statistics |
STAT3040 | Statistical Learning |
STAT3056 | Advanced Mathematical Statistics |
VCUG1001 | The Art of Computing |
VCUG2001 | Creating Knowledge |
VCUG2002 | Leadership and Influence in a Complex World |
VCUG2004 | Creating Impact |
VCUG2005 | The Art of Making : A practical course aimed at turning ideas into reality |
VCUG3001 | Unravelling Complexity |
VCUG3002 | Mobilising Research |
Code | Title |
ANTH2138 | Doing Medical Anthropology |
BIAN1001 | The Human Voyage: Introduction to Biological Anthropology |
BIAN2015 | Human Skeletal Analysis |
BIAN2119 | Nutrition, Disease and the Environment |
BIAN2120 | Culture, Biology and Population Dynamics |
BIAN2126 | Primate Evolutionary Biology |
BIAN2128 | Forensic Anthropology and Archaeology |
BIAN2130 | Ancient Medicine |
BIAN2133 | Mating and Parenting: Evolutionary Ecology of Human Reproductive Strategies |
BIAN3010 | Scientific Dating in Archaeology and Palaeoenvironmental Studies |
BIAN3014 | Research Design and Analysis in Biological Anthropology |
BIAN3016 | Analysis of Mammalian Remains |
BIAN3018 | Primate Behavioural Ecology Field School in Cambodia |
BIAN3021 | Primate Conservation Biology |
BIAN3113 | Human Evolution |
BIAN3124 | Evolution and Human Behaviour |
BIAN3125 | Ancient Health & Disease |
BIAN3127 | Primate Ecology and Behaviour |
BIAN3129 | Supervised Research in Biological Anthropology |
COMP1007 | Basics of Computer Science |
COMP1030 | Art of Computing |
COMP1040 | The Craft of Computing |
COMP1100 | Programming as Problem Solving |
COMP1110 | Structured Programming |
COMP1130 | Programming as Problem Solving (Advanced) |
COMP1140 | Structured Programming (Advanced) |
COMP1600 | Foundations of Computing (formerly COMP2600) |
COMP1710 | Web Development and Design |
COMP1720 | Art and Interaction in New Media |
COMP1730 | Programming for Scientists |
COMP2100 | Software Design Methodologies |
COMP2120 | Software Engineering |
COMP2130 | Software Analysis and Design |
COMP2140 | Java Programming |
COMP2300 | Computer Organisation and Program Execution |
COMP2310 | Systems, Networks and Concurrency |
COMP2400 | Relational Databases |
COMP2410 | Networked Information Systems |
COMP2420 | Introduction to Data Management, Analysis and Security |
COMP2550 | Advanced Computing R&D Methods |
COMP2560 | Studies in Advanced Computing R&D |
COMP2610 | Information Theory |
COMP2620 | Logic |
COMP2700 | Cyber Security Foundations |
COMP2710 | Special Topics in Computer Science |
COMP3100 | Software Engineering Group Project |
COMP3120 | Managing Software Development |
COMP3300 | Operating Systems Implementation |
COMP3310 | Computer Networks |
COMP3320 | High Performance Scientific Computation |
COMP3425 | Data Mining |
COMP3430 | Data Wrangling |
COMP3500 | Software Engineering Project |
COMP3530 | Systems Engineering for Software Engineers |
COMP3550 | Advanced Computing R&D Project |
COMP3600 | Algorithms |
COMP3610 | Principles of Programming Languages |
COMP3620 | Artificial Intelligence |
COMP3630 | Theory of Computation |
COMP3650 | System Architectural Understanding and the Human Brain |
COMP3701 | Defensive Cyber Security Operations |
COMP3702 | Offensive Cyber Security Operations |
COMP3710 | Topics in Computer Science |
COMP3740 | Project Work in Computing |
COMP3770 | Individual Research Project |
COMP3900 | Human Computer Interface Design and Evaluation |
COMP4300 | Parallel Systems |
COMP4330 | Real-Time & Embedded Systems |
COMP4340 | Multicore Computing: Principles and Practice |
COMP4450 | Advanced Computing Research Methods |
COMP4540 | Software Engineering Research Project |
COMP4550 | Advanced Computing Research Project |
COMP4560 | Advanced Computing Project |
COMP4600 | Advanced Algorithms |
COMP4610 | Computer Graphics |
COMP4620 | Advanced Topics in Artificial Intelligence |
COMP4630 | Overview of Logic and Computation |
COMP4650 | Document Analysis |
COMP4660 | Bio-inspired Computing: Applications and Interfaces |
COMP4670 | Introduction to Statistical Machine Learning |
COMP4680 | Advanced Topics in Statistical Machine Learning |
ECON2101 | Microeconomics 2 (P) |
ECON2111 | Microeconomics 2 (H) |
ECON2128 | Resource and Environmental Economics (P) |
ECON2129 | Resource and Environmental Economics (H) |
ECON2141 | Strategic Thinking: An introduction to Game Theory |
ECON2142 | Strategic Thinking: An Introduction to Game Theory (H) |
ECON3100 | Economics 3 (H) |
ECON3127 | Mathematical Economics: Technique and Applications |
ECON3128 | Resource and Environmental Economics |
ECON3152 | Game Theory (P) |
ECON3153 | Game Theory (H) |
EMET2007 | Econometrics I: Econometric Methods |
EMET3004 | Econometrics II: Econometric Modelling |
EMET3006 | Applied Micro-econometrics |
EMET3008 | Applied Macro and Financial Econometrics |
ENGN1215 | Engineering Sciences |
ENGN1217 | Introduction to Mechanics |
ENGN1218 | Introduction to Electronics |
ENGN2222 | Engineering Thermodynamics |
ENGN3223 | Control Systems |
ENGN3224 | Fluid Mechanics and Heat Transfer |
ENGN3226 | Digital Communications |
ENGN3334 | Semiconductors |
ENGN3601 | Engineering Materials |
ENGN3810 | Biomechanics and Biomaterials |
ENGN3820 | Biomedical Imaging |
ENGN4027 | Sustainable Nanomaterials |
ENGN4511 | Composite Materials |
ENGN4513 | Fibre Optics Communications Systems |
ENGN4516 | Energy Resources and Renewable Technologies |
ENGN4524 | Photovoltaic Technologies |
ENGN4525 | Solar Thermal Technologies |
ENGN4528 | Computer Vision |
ENGN4536 | Wireless Communications |
ENGN4537 | Discrete-Time Signal Processing |
ENGN4613 | Photonic Sensing Systems |
ENGN4615 | Finite Element Analysis |
ENGN4625 | Power Electronics |
ENGN4627 | Robotics |
ENGN4810 | Nanotechnology and Applications |
ENGN4820 | Bio Micro and Nano Electro-Mechanical Systems (BioMEMS and BioNEMS) |
FINM2001 | Corporate Finance |
FINM2002 | Derivatives |
FINM3003 | Continuous Time Finance |
FINM3007 | Advanced Derivatives Pricing and Applications |
PHIL1005 | Logic and Critical Thinking |
PHIL2057 | Philosophy of Science |
PHIL2061 | Philosophy of Mind |
PHIL2080 | Logic |
PHIL2082 | Sex and Death: the Philosophy of Biology |
PHIL2122 | Philosophy and Public Policy |
PHIL2123 | Philosophy and Science Fiction |
PHIL2124 | Philosophy of Cognitive Science |
PHIL2125 | Rationality and Social Cooperation |
PHIL2126 | Science in Society: Ethics, Public Policy and Scientific Practice |
PHIL2127 | The Philosophy of Time |
PHIL2128 | Philosophy of Physics |
PHIL3072 | Advanced Analytic Philosophy |
SOCY2038 | Introduction to Quantitative Research Methods |
SOCY2043 | Introduction to Qualitative Research Methods |
STAT1003 | Statistical Techniques |
STAT1008 | Quantitative Research Methods |
STAT2001 | Introductory Mathematical Statistics |
STAT2005 | Introduction to Stochastic Processes |
STAT2008 | Regression Modelling |
STAT2032 | Financial Mathematics |
STAT3004 | Stochastic Modelling |
STAT3005 | Advanced Marketing Research Methods |
STAT3006 | Advanced Stochastic Processes |
STAT3008 | Applied Statistics |
STAT3011 | Graphical Data Analysis |
STAT3012 | Design of Experiments and Surveys |
STAT3013 | Statistical Inference |
STAT3014 | Managerial Decision Analysis |
STAT3015 | Generalised Linear Modelling |
STAT3016 | Introduction to Bayesian Data Analysis |
STAT3017 | Big Data Statistics |
STAT3032 | Survival Models |
STAT3035 | Risk Theory |
STAT3036 | Credibility Theory |
STAT3039 | Special Topics in Statistics |
STAT3040 | Statistical Learning |
STAT3056 | Advanced Mathematical Statistics |
VCUG1001 | The Art of Computing |
VCUG2001 | Creating Knowledge |
VCUG2002 | Leadership and Influence in a Complex World |
VCUG2004 | Creating Impact |
VCUG2005 | The Art of Making : A practical course aimed at turning ideas into reality |
VCUG3001 | Unravelling Complexity |
VCUG3002 | Mobilising Research |