Other courses

Other courses

Some courses delivered by other ANU Colleges can contribute towards satisfying the Science component of a degree, including but not limited to the list below. Courses in the list may change over time or not be available. Courses cannot double-count towards satisfying the requirements of two degrees at once ( when in a flexible-double degree).

If you are in doubt, email students.cos@anu.edu.au to consult with a Science Sub Dean.

Any course from the following subject areas can count towards the Science Component of a degree.

  •  COMP
  • STAT
  • VCUG

For individual courses, please see the list below.


Code Title
ANTH1002 Culture and Human Diversity: Introducing Anthropology
ANTH2026 Medicine, Healing and the Body
ARCH2041 Introduction to Environmental Archaeology
ARCH3042 Scientific Dating in Archaeology and Palaeoenvironmental Studies
ARCH3043 Analysis of Vertebrate Remains
ARCH3108 Animal and Plant Domestication
BIAN1001 The Human Voyage: Introduction to Biological Anthropology
BIAN2015 Human Skeletal Analysis
BIAN2119 Nutrition, Disease and the Environment
BIAN2128 Forensic Anthropology and Archaeology
BIAN2130 Ancient Medicine
BIAN3014 Research Design and Analysis in Biological Anthropology
BIAN3113 Human Evolution
BIAN3124 Evolution and Human Behaviour
BIAN3125 Ancient Health and Disease
BIAN3127 Primate Behaviour and Conservation
BIAN3129 Supervised Research in Biological Anthropology
COMP1100 Programming as Problem Solving
COMP1110 Structured Programming
COMP1130 Programming as Problem Solving (Advanced)
COMP1140 Structured Programming (Advanced)
COMP1600 Foundations of Computing
COMP1710 Web Development and Design
COMP1720 Art and Interaction Computing
COMP1730 Programming for Scientists
COMP2100 Software Construction
COMP2120 Software Engineering
COMP2300 Computer Organisation and Program Execution
COMP2310 Systems, Networks, and Concurrency
COMP2400 Relational Databases
COMP2410 Networked Information Systems
COMP2420 Introduction to Data Management, Analysis and Security
COMP2550 Computing R&D Methods
COMP2560 Studies in Advanced Computing R&D
COMP2610 Information Theory
COMP2620 Logic
COMP3300 Operating Systems Implementation
COMP3310 Computer Networks
COMP3320 High Performance Scientific Computation
COMP3425 Data Mining
COMP3430 Data Wrangling
COMP3500 Software Engineering Project
COMP3540 Game Development
COMP3600 Algorithms
COMP3610 Principles of Programming Languages
COMP3620 Artificial Intelligence
COMP3630 Theory of Computation
COMP3670 Introduction to Machine Learning
COMP3710 Topics in Computer Science
ECON2141 Strategic Thinking: An introduction to Game Theory
ECON3152 Game Theory
ENGN1217 Introduction to Mechanics
ENGN1218 Introduction to Electronics
ENGN2222 Engineering Thermodynamics
ENGN2228 Signals and Systems
ENGN3013 Engineering for a Humanitarian Context
ENGN3223 Control Systems
ENGN3224 Fluid Mechanics and Heat Transfer
ENGN3226 Digital Communications
ENGN3334 Semiconductors
ENGN3512 Optical Physics
ENGN3516 Energy Resources and Renewable Technologies
ENGN3601 Engineering Materials
ENGN3820 Biomedical Imaging: Principles, Technologies and Applications in Health Sciences
ENGN3902 Environmental Chemistry and Systems
ENGN3903 Environmental Sensing, Mapping and Modelling
ENGN4027 Sustainable Nanomaterials
ENGN4511 Composite Materials
ENGN4516 Energy Resources and Renewable Technologies
ENGN4524 Photovoltaic Technologies
ENGN4525 Solar Thermal Technologies
ENGN4528 Computer Vision
ENGN4536 Wireless Communications
ENGN4537 Digital Signal Processing
ENGN4613 Photonic Sensing Systems
ENGN4615 Finite Element Analysis
ENGN4625 Power Systems and Power Electronics
ENGN4627 Robotics
ENGN4810 Nanotechnology and Applications
ENGN4820 Bio Micro and Nano Electro-Mechanical Systems (BioMEMS and BioNEMS)
PHIL1005 Logic and Critical Thinking
PHIL2057 Philosophy of Science
PHIL2061 Philosophy of Mind
PHIL2080 Logic
PHIL2082 Sex and Death: the Philosophy of Biology
PHIL2122 Philosophy and Public Policy
PHIL2123 Philosophy and Science Fiction
PHIL2126 Science in Society: Ethics, Public Policy and Scientific Practice
PHIL2127 The Philosophy of Time
PHIL2128 Philosophy of Physics
PHIL2290 Philosophy, AI and Society
PHIL3072 Advanced Analytic Philosophy
PHIL3076 Philosophy of the Life Sciences
PHIL3078 The Philosophy of Emotions
PHIL3079 Evolution and Human Nature
SOCY2022 Environmental Sociology
SOCY2038 Introduction to Quantitative Research Methods
SOCY2043 Introduction to Qualitative Research Methods
SOCY2169 Online Research Methods
SOCY3005 Quantitative Projects for Inclusion and Diversity
STAT1003 Statistical Techniques
STAT1003 Statistical Techniques
STAT1008 Quantitative Research Methods
STAT2001 Introductory Mathematical Statistics
STAT2005 Introduction to Stochastic Processes
STAT2008 Regression Modelling
STAT2013 Introductory Mathematical Statistics for Actuarial Studies
STAT2014 Regression Modelling for Actuarial Studies
STAT2032 Financial Mathematics
STAT3004 Stochastic Modelling
STAT3006 Advanced Stochastic Processes
STAT3008 Applied Statistics
STAT3011 Graphical Data Analysis
STAT3012 Design of Experiments and Surveys
STAT3013 Statistical Inference
STAT3015 Generalised Linear Models
STAT3016 Introduction to Bayesian Data Analysis
STAT3017 Big Data Statistics
STAT3032 Survival Models
STAT3039 Special Topics in Statistics
STAT3040 Statistical Learning
STAT3050 Advanced Statistical Learning
STAT3056 Advanced Mathematical Statistics


Code Title
ANTH2138 Doing Medical Anthropology
ARCH3042 Scientific Dating in Archaeology and Palaeoenvironmental Studies
BIAN1001 The Human Voyage: Introduction to Biological Anthropology
BIAN2015 Human Skeletal Analysis
BIAN2119 Nutrition, Disease and the Environment
BIAN2120 Culture, Biology and Population Dynamics
BIAN2126 Primate Evolutionary Biology
BIAN2128 Forensic Anthropology and Archaeology
BIAN2130 Ancient Medicine
BIAN2133 Mating and Parenting: Evolutionary Ecology of Human Reproductive Strategies
BIAN3014 Research Design and Analysis in Biological Anthropology
BIAN3016 Analysis of Mammalian Remains
BIAN3018 Primate Behavioural Ecology Field School in Cambodia
BIAN3021 Primate Conservation Biology
BIAN3113 Human Evolution
BIAN3124 Evolution and Human Behaviour
BIAN3125 Ancient Health & Disease
BIAN3127 Primate Ecology and Behaviour
BIAN3129 Supervised Research in Biological Anthropology
COMP1007 Basics of Computer Science
COMP1030 Art of Computing
COMP1040 The Craft of Computing
COMP1100 Programming as Problem Solving
COMP1110 Structured Programming
COMP1130 Programming as Problem Solving (Advanced)
COMP1140 Structured Programming (Advanced)
COMP1600 Foundations of Computing
COMP1710 Web Development and Design
COMP1720 Art and Interaction in New Media
COMP1730 Programming for Scientists
COMP2100 Software Design Methodologies
COMP2120 Software Engineering
COMP2130 Software Analysis and Design
COMP2140 Java Programming
COMP2300 Computer Organisation and Program Execution
COMP2310 Systems, Networks and Concurrency
COMP2400 Relational Databases
COMP2410 Networked Information Systems
COMP2420 Introduction to Data Management, Analysis and Security
COMP2550 Advanced Computing R&D Methods
COMP2560 Studies in Advanced Computing R&D
COMP2610 Information Theory
COMP2620 Logic
COMP2700 Cyber Security Foundations
COMP2710 Special Topics in Computer Science
COMP3100 Software Engineering Group Project
COMP3120 Managing Software Development
COMP3300 Operating Systems Implementation
COMP3310 Computer Networks
COMP3320 High Performance Scientific Computation
COMP3425 Data Mining
COMP3430 Data Wrangling
COMP3500 Software Engineering Project
COMP3530 Systems Engineering for Software Engineers
COMP3550 Advanced Computing R&D Project
COMP3560 Advanced Computing R&D Industry Experience
COMP3600 Algorithms
COMP3610 Principles of Programming Languages
COMP3620 Artificial Intelligence
COMP3630 Theory of Computation
COMP3650 System Architectural Understanding and the Human Brain
COMP3701 Defensive Cyber Security Operations
COMP3702 Offensive Cyber Security Operations
COMP3703 Software Security
COMP3704 Network Security
COMP3710 Topics in Computer Science
COMP3740 Project Work in Computing
COMP3770 Individual Research Project
COMP3820 Computing Internship
COMP3900 Human Computer Interface Design and Evaluation
COMP4130 Managing Software Quality and Process
COMP4300 Parallel Systems
COMP4330 Real-Time & Embedded Systems
COMP4340 Multicore Computing: Principles and Practice
COMP4450 Advanced Computing Research Methods
COMP4500 Software Engineering Practice
COMP4540 Software Engineering Research Project
COMP4550 Advanced Computing Research Project
COMP4560 Advanced Computing Project
COMP4600 Advanced Algorithms
COMP4610 Computer Graphics
COMP4620 Advanced Topics in Artificial Intelligence
COMP4630 Overview of Logic and Computation
COMP4650 Document Analysis
COMP4660 Bio-inspired Computing: Applications and Interfaces
COMP4670 Introduction to Statistical Machine Learning
COMP4680 Advanced Topics in Statistical Machine Learning
COMP4691 Optimisation
COMP4800 Industrial Experience
COMP4880 Computational Methods for Network Science
ECON2101 Microeconomics 2 (P)
ECON2111 Microeconomics 2 (H)
ECON2125 Optimisation for Economics and Financial Economics
ECON2128 Resource and Environmental Economics (P)
ECON2129 Resource and Environmental Economics (H)
ECON2141 Strategic Thinking: An introduction to Game Theory
ECON2142 Strategic Thinking: An Introduction to Game Theory (H)
ECON3100 Economics 3 (H)
ECON3127 Mathematical Economics: Technique and Applications
ECON3128 Resource and Environmental Economics
ECON3152 Game Theory (P)
ECON3153 Game Theory (H)
EMET1001 Foundations of Economic and Financial Models
EMET2007 Econometrics I: Econometric Methods
EMET3004 Econometrics II: Econometric Modelling
EMET3006 Applied Micro-econometrics
EMET3008 Applied Macro and Financial Econometrics
ENGN1215 Engineering Sciences
ENGN1217 Introduction to Mechanics
ENGN1218 Introduction to Electronics
ENGN2217 Mechanical Systems and Design
ENGN2218 Electronic Systems and Design
ENGN2219 Computer Systems & Organisation
ENGN2222 Engineering Thermodynamics
ENGN2228 Signals and Systems
ENGN3223 Control Systems
ENGN3224 Fluid Mechanics and Heat Transfer
ENGN3226 Digital Communications
ENGN3334 Semiconductors
ENGN3516 Energy Resources and Renewable Technologies
ENGN3539 Computer Networks
ENGN3601 Engineering Materials
ENGN3810 Biomechanics and Biomaterials
ENGN3820 Biomedical Imaging
ENGN4027 Sustainable Nanomaterials
ENGN4511 Composite Materials
ENGN4513 Fibre Optics Communications Systems
ENGN4516 Energy Resources and Renewable Technologies
ENGN4524 Photovoltaic Technologies
ENGN4525 Solar Thermal Technologies
ENGN4528 Computer Vision
ENGN4536 Wireless Communications
ENGN4537 Discrete-Time Signal Processing
ENGN4613 Photonic Sensing Systems
ENGN4615 Finite Element Analysis
ENGN4625 Power Electronics
ENGN4627 Robotics
ENGN4810 Nanotechnology and Applications
ENGN4820 Bio Micro and Nano Electro-Mechanical Systems (BioMEMS and BioNEMS)
FINM2001 Corporate Finance
FINM2002 Derivatives
FINM3003 Continuous Time Finance
FINM3007 Advanced Derivatives Pricing and Applications
PHIL1005 Logic and Critical Thinking
PHIL2057 Philosophy of Science
PHIL2061 Philosophy of Mind
PHIL2080 Logic
PHIL2082 Sex and Death: the Philosophy of Biology
PHIL2122 Philosophy and Public Policy
PHIL2123 Philosophy and Science Fiction
PHIL2124 Philosophy of Cognitive Science
PHIL2125 Rationality and Social Cooperation
PHIL2126 Science in Society: Ethics, Public Policy and Scientific Practice
PHIL2127 The Philosophy of Time
PHIL2128 Philosophy of Physics
PHIL3072 Advanced Analytic Philosophy
SOCY2038 Introduction to Quantitative Research Methods
SOCY2043 Introduction to Qualitative Research Methods
STAT1003 Statistical Techniques
STAT1008 Quantitative Research Methods
STAT2001 Introductory Mathematical Statistics
STAT2005 Introduction to Stochastic Processes
STAT2008 Regression Modelling
STAT2013 Introductory Mathematical Statistics for Actuarial Studies
STAT2014 Regression Modelling for Actuarial Studies
STAT2032 Financial Mathematics
STAT3004 Stochastic Modelling
STAT3005 Advanced Marketing Research Methods
STAT3006 Advanced Stochastic Processes
STAT3008 Applied Statistics
STAT3011 Graphical Data Analysis
STAT3012 Design of Experiments and Surveys
STAT3013 Statistical Inference
STAT3014 Managerial Decision Analysis
STAT3015 Generalised Linear Modelling
STAT3016 Introduction to Bayesian Data Analysis
STAT3017 Big Data Statistics
STAT3032 Survival Models
STAT3035 Risk Theory
STAT3036 Credibility Theory
STAT3037 Life Contingencies
STAT3038 Actuarial Techniques
STAT3039 Special Topics in Statistics
STAT3040 Statistical Learning
STAT3050 Advanced Statistical Learning
STAT3056 Advanced Mathematical Statistics
STAT3057 Risk Modelling 1
STAT3058 Risk Modelling 2


Code Title
ANTH2138 Doing Medical Anthropology
ARCH3042 Scientific Dating in Archaeology and Palaeoenvironmental Studies
BIAN1001 The Human Voyage: Introduction to Biological Anthropology
BIAN2015 Human Skeletal Analysis
BIAN2119 Nutrition, Disease and the Environment
BIAN2120 Culture, Biology and Population Dynamics
BIAN2126 Primate Evolutionary Biology
BIAN2128 Forensic Anthropology and Archaeology
BIAN2130 Ancient Medicine
BIAN2133 Mating and Parenting: Evolutionary Ecology of Human Reproductive Strategies
BIAN3014 Research Design and Analysis in Biological Anthropology
BIAN3016 Analysis of Mammalian Remains
BIAN3018 Primate Behavioural Ecology Field School in Cambodia
BIAN3021 Primate Conservation Biology
BIAN3113 Human Evolution
BIAN3124 Evolution and Human Behaviour
BIAN3125 Ancient Health & Disease
BIAN3127 Primate Ecology and Behaviour
BIAN3129 Supervised Research in Biological Anthropology
COMP1007 Basics of Computer Science
COMP1030 Art of Computing
COMP1040 The Craft of Computing
COMP1100 Programming as Problem Solving
COMP1110 Structured Programming
COMP1130 Programming as Problem Solving (Advanced)
COMP1140 Structured Programming (Advanced)
COMP1600 Foundations of Computing
COMP1710 Web Development and Design
COMP1720 Art and Interaction in New Media
COMP1730 Programming for Scientists
COMP2100 Software Design Methodologies
COMP2120 Software Engineering
COMP2130 Software Analysis and Design
COMP2140 Java Programming
COMP2300 Computer Organisation and Program Execution
COMP2310 Systems, Networks and Concurrency
COMP2400 Relational Databases
COMP2410 Networked Information Systems
COMP2420 Introduction to Data Management, Analysis and Security
COMP2550 Advanced Computing R&D Methods
COMP2560 Studies in Advanced Computing R&D
COMP2610 Information Theory
COMP2620 Logic
COMP2700 Cyber Security Foundations
COMP2710 Special Topics in Computer Science
COMP3100 Software Engineering Group Project
COMP3120 Managing Software Development
COMP3300 Operating Systems Implementation
COMP3310 Computer Networks
COMP3320 High Performance Scientific Computation
COMP3425 Data Mining
COMP3430 Data Wrangling
COMP3500 Software Engineering Project
COMP3530 Systems Engineering for Software Engineers
COMP3550 Advanced Computing R&D Project
COMP3560 Advanced Computing R&D Industry Experience
COMP3600 Algorithms
COMP3610 Principles of Programming Languages
COMP3620 Artificial Intelligence
COMP3630 Theory of Computation
COMP3650 System Architectural Understanding and the Human Brain
COMP3701 Defensive Cyber Security Operations
COMP3702 Offensive Cyber Security Operations
COMP3703 Software Security
COMP3704 Network Security
COMP3710 Topics in Computer Science
COMP3740 Project Work in Computing
COMP3770 Individual Research Project
COMP3820 Computing Internship
COMP3900 Human Computer Interface Design and Evaluation
COMP4130 Managing Software Quality and Process
COMP4300 Parallel Systems
COMP4330 Real-Time & Embedded Systems
COMP4340 Multicore Computing: Principles and Practice
COMP4450 Advanced Computing Research Methods
COMP4500 Software Engineering Practice
COMP4540 Software Engineering Research Project
COMP4550 Advanced Computing Research Project
COMP4560 Advanced Computing Project
COMP4600 Advanced Algorithms
COMP4610 Computer Graphics
COMP4620 Advanced Topics in Artificial Intelligence
COMP4630 Overview of Logic and Computation
COMP4650 Document Analysis
COMP4660 Bio-inspired Computing: Applications and Interfaces
COMP4670 Introduction to Statistical Machine Learning
COMP4680 Advanced Topics in Statistical Machine Learning
COMP4691 Optimisation
COMP4800 Industrial Experience
COMP4880 Computational Methods for Network Science
ECON2101 Microeconomics 2 (P)
ECON2111 Microeconomics 2 (H)
ECON2125 Optimisation for Economics and Financial Economics
ECON2128 Resource and Environmental Economics (P)
ECON2129 Resource and Environmental Economics (H)
ECON2141 Strategic Thinking: An introduction to Game Theory
ECON2142 Strategic Thinking: An Introduction to Game Theory (H)
ECON3100 Economics 3 (H)
ECON3127 Mathematical Economics: Technique and Applications
ECON3128 Resource and Environmental Economics
ECON3152 Game Theory (P)
ECON3153 Game Theory (H)
EMET1001 Foundations of Economic and Financial Models
EMET2007 Econometrics I: Econometric Methods
EMET3004 Econometrics II: Econometric Modelling
EMET3006 Applied Micro-econometrics
EMET3008 Applied Macro and Financial Econometrics
ENGN1215 Engineering Sciences
ENGN1217 Introduction to Mechanics
ENGN1218 Introduction to Electronics
ENGN2217 Mechanical Systems and Design
ENGN2218 Electronic Systems and Design
ENGN2219 Computer Systems & Organisation
ENGN2222 Engineering Thermodynamics
ENGN2228 Signals and Systems
ENGN3223 Control Systems
ENGN3224 Fluid Mechanics and Heat Transfer
ENGN3226 Digital Communications
ENGN3334 Semiconductors
ENGN3516 Energy Resources and Renewable Technologies
ENGN3539 Computer Networks
ENGN3601 Engineering Materials
ENGN3810 Biomechanics and Biomaterials
ENGN3820 Biomedical Imaging
ENGN4027 Sustainable Nanomaterials
ENGN4511 Composite Materials
ENGN4513 Fibre Optics Communications Systems
ENGN4516 Energy Resources and Renewable Technologies
ENGN4524 Photovoltaic Technologies
ENGN4525 Solar Thermal Technologies
ENGN4528 Computer Vision
ENGN4536 Wireless Communications
ENGN4537 Discrete-Time Signal Processing
ENGN4613 Photonic Sensing Systems
ENGN4615 Finite Element Analysis
ENGN4625 Power Electronics
ENGN4627 Robotics
ENGN4810 Nanotechnology and Applications
ENGN4820 Bio Micro and Nano Electro-Mechanical Systems (BioMEMS and BioNEMS)
FINM2001 Corporate Finance
FINM2002 Derivatives
FINM3003 Continuous Time Finance
FINM3007 Advanced Derivatives Pricing and Applications
PHIL1005 Logic and Critical Thinking
PHIL2057 Philosophy of Science
PHIL2061 Philosophy of Mind
PHIL2080 Logic
PHIL2082 Sex and Death: the Philosophy of Biology
PHIL2122 Philosophy and Public Policy
PHIL2123 Philosophy and Science Fiction
PHIL2124 Philosophy of Cognitive Science
PHIL2125 Rationality and Social Cooperation
PHIL2126 Science in Society: Ethics, Public Policy and Scientific Practice
PHIL2127 The Philosophy of Time
PHIL2128 Philosophy of Physics
PHIL3072 Advanced Analytic Philosophy
SOCY2038 Introduction to Quantitative Research Methods
SOCY2043 Introduction to Qualitative Research Methods
STAT1003 Statistical Techniques
STAT1008 Quantitative Research Methods
STAT2001 Introductory Mathematical Statistics
STAT2005 Introduction to Stochastic Processes
STAT2008 Regression Modelling
STAT2013 Introductory Mathematical Statistics for Actuarial Studies
STAT2014 Regression Modelling for Actuarial Studies
STAT2032 Financial Mathematics
STAT3004 Stochastic Modelling
STAT3005 Advanced Marketing Research Methods
STAT3006 Advanced Stochastic Processes
STAT3008 Applied Statistics
STAT3011 Graphical Data Analysis
STAT3012 Design of Experiments and Surveys
STAT3013 Statistical Inference
STAT3014 Managerial Decision Analysis
STAT3015 Generalised Linear Modelling
STAT3016 Introduction to Bayesian Data Analysis
STAT3017 Big Data Statistics
STAT3032 Survival Models
STAT3035 Risk Theory
STAT3036 Credibility Theory
STAT3037 Life Contingencies
STAT3038 Actuarial Techniques
STAT3039 Special Topics in Statistics
STAT3040 Statistical Learning
STAT3050 Advanced Statistical Learning
STAT3056 Advanced Mathematical Statistics
STAT3057 Risk Modelling 1
STAT3058 Risk Modelling 2


Code Title
BIAN1001 The Human Voyage: Introduction to Biological Anthropology
BIAN2015 Human Skeletal Analysis
BIAN2119 Nutrition, Disease and the Environment
BIAN2120 Culture, Biology and Population Dynamics
BIAN2126 Primate Evolutionary Biology
BIAN2128 Forensic Anthropology and Archaeology
BIAN2130 Ancient Medicine
BIAN2133 Mating and Parenting: Evolutionary Ecology of Human Reproductive Strategies
BIAN3010 Scientific Dating in Archaeology and Palaeoenvironmental Studies
BIAN3014 Research Design and Analysis in Biological Anthropology
BIAN3016 Analysis of Mammalian Remains
BIAN3021 Primate Conservation Biology
BIAN3113 Human Evolution
BIAN3124 Evolution and Human Behaviour
BIAN3125 Ancient Health & Disease
BIAN3127 Primate Ecology and Behaviour
BIAN3129 Supervised Research in Biological Anthropology
ECON2101 Microeconomics 2 (P)
ECON2125 Optimisation for Economics and Financial Economics
ECON2141 Strategic Thinking: An introduction to Game Theory
ECON3127 Mathematical Economics: Technique and Applications
ECON3128 Resource and Environmental Economics
ECON3152 Game Theory (P)
EMET1001 Foundations of Economic and Financial Models
EMET2007 Econometrics I: Econometric Methods
EMET3004 Econometrics II: Econometric Modelling
EMET3006 Applied Micro-econometrics
EMET3008 Applied Macro and Financial Econometrics
ENGN1215 Engineering Sciences
ENGN1217 Introduction to Mechanics
ENGN1218 Introduction to Electronics
ENGN2217 Mechanical Systems and Design
ENGN2218 Electronic Systems and Design
ENGN2219 Computer Architecture and Simulation
ENGN2222 Engineering Thermodynamics
ENGN2228 Signals and Systems
ENGN3213 Digital Systems and Microprocessors
ENGN3223 Control Systems
ENGN3224 Fluid Mechanics and Heat Transfer
ENGN3226 Digital Communications
ENGN3334 Semiconductors
ENGN3512 Optical Physics
ENGN3516 Energy Resources and Renewable Technologies
ENGN3539 Computer Networks
ENGN3601 Engineering Materials
ENGN3820 Biomedical Imaging
ENGN4027 Sustainable Nanomaterials
ENGN4511 Composite Materials
ENGN4513 Fibre Optics Communications Systems
ENGN4516 Energy Resources and Renewable Technologies
ENGN4524 Photovoltaic Technologies
ENGN4525 Solar Thermal Technologies
ENGN4528 Computer Vision
ENGN4536 Wireless Communications
ENGN4537 Discrete-Time Signal Processing
ENGN4613 Photonic Sensing Systems
ENGN4615 Finite Element Analysis
ENGN4625 Power Electronics
ENGN4627 Robotics
ENGN4810 Nanotechnology and Applications
ENGN4820 Bio Micro and Nano Electro-Mechanical Systems (BioMEMS and BioNEMS)
FINM2001 Corporate Finance
FINM2002 Derivatives
FINM3003 Continuous Time Finance
FINM3007 Advanced Derivatives Pricing and Applications
PHIL1005 Logic and Critical Thinking
PHIL2080 Logic
PHIL2125 Rationality and Social Cooperation
PHIL2127 The Philosophy of Time
SOCY2038 Introduction to Quantitative Research Methods
SOCY2043 Introduction to Qualitative Research Methods


Code Title
ANTH2138 Doing Medical Anthropology
BIAN1001 The Human Voyage: Introduction to Biological Anthropology
BIAN2015 Human Skeletal Analysis
BIAN2119 Nutrition, Disease and the Environment
BIAN2120 Culture, Biology and Population Dynamics
BIAN2126 Primate Evolutionary Biology
BIAN2128 Forensic Anthropology and Archaeology
BIAN2130 Ancient Medicine
BIAN2133 Mating and Parenting: Evolutionary Ecology of Human Reproductive Strategies
BIAN3010 Scientific Dating in Archaeology and Palaeoenvironmental Studies
BIAN3014 Research Design and Analysis in Biological Anthropology
BIAN3016 Analysis of Mammalian Remains
BIAN3018 Primate Behavioural Ecology Field School in Cambodia
BIAN3021 Primate Conservation Biology
BIAN3113 Human Evolution
BIAN3124 Evolution and Human Behaviour
BIAN3125 Ancient Health & Disease
BIAN3127 Primate Ecology and Behaviour
BIAN3129 Supervised Research in Biological Anthropology
COMP1007 Basics of Computer Science
COMP1030 Art of Computing
COMP1040 The Craft of Computing
COMP1100 Programming as Problem Solving
COMP1110 Structured Programming
COMP1130 Programming as Problem Solving (Advanced)
COMP1140 Structured Programming (Advanced)
COMP1600 Foundations of Computing (formerly COMP2600)
COMP1710 Web Development and Design
COMP1720 Art and Interaction in New Media
COMP1730 Programming for Scientists
COMP2100 Software Design Methodologies
COMP2120 Software Engineering
COMP2130 Software Analysis and Design
COMP2140 Java Programming
COMP2300 Computer Organisation and Program Execution
COMP2310 Systems, Networks and Concurrency
COMP2400 Relational Databases
COMP2410 Networked Information Systems
COMP2420 Introduction to Data Management, Analysis and Security
COMP2550 Advanced Computing R&D Methods
COMP2560 Studies in Advanced Computing R&D
COMP2610 Information Theory
COMP2620 Logic
COMP2700 Cyber Security Foundations
COMP2710 Special Topics in Computer Science
COMP3100 Software Engineering Group Project
COMP3120 Managing Software Development
COMP3300 Operating Systems Implementation
COMP3310 Computer Networks
COMP3320 High Performance Scientific Computation
COMP3425 Data Mining
COMP3430 Data Wrangling
COMP3500 Software Engineering Project
COMP3530 Systems Engineering for Software Engineers
COMP3550 Advanced Computing R&D Project
COMP3600 Algorithms
COMP3610 Principles of Programming Languages
COMP3620 Artificial Intelligence
COMP3630 Theory of Computation
COMP3650 System Architectural Understanding and the Human Brain
COMP3701 Defensive Cyber Security Operations
COMP3702 Offensive Cyber Security Operations
COMP3710 Topics in Computer Science
COMP3740 Project Work in Computing
COMP3770 Individual Research Project
COMP3900 Human Computer Interface Design and Evaluation
COMP4300 Parallel Systems
COMP4330 Real-Time & Embedded Systems
COMP4340 Multicore Computing: Principles and Practice
COMP4450 Advanced Computing Research Methods
COMP4540 Software Engineering Research Project
COMP4550 Advanced Computing Research Project
COMP4560 Advanced Computing Project
COMP4600 Advanced Algorithms
COMP4610 Computer Graphics
COMP4620 Advanced Topics in Artificial Intelligence
COMP4630 Overview of Logic and Computation
COMP4650 Document Analysis
COMP4660 Bio-inspired Computing: Applications and Interfaces
COMP4670 Introduction to Statistical Machine Learning
COMP4680 Advanced Topics in Statistical Machine Learning
ECON2101 Microeconomics 2 (P)
ECON2111 Microeconomics 2 (H)
ECON2128 Resource and Environmental Economics (P)
ECON2129 Resource and Environmental Economics (H)
ECON2141 Strategic Thinking: An introduction to Game Theory
ECON2142 Strategic Thinking: An Introduction to Game Theory (H)
ECON3100 Economics 3 (H)
ECON3127 Mathematical Economics: Technique and Applications
ECON3128 Resource and Environmental Economics
ECON3152 Game Theory (P)
ECON3153 Game Theory (H)
EMET2007 Econometrics I: Econometric Methods
EMET3004 Econometrics II: Econometric Modelling
EMET3006 Applied Micro-econometrics
EMET3008 Applied Macro and Financial Econometrics
ENGN1215 Engineering Sciences
ENGN1217 Introduction to Mechanics
ENGN1218 Introduction to Electronics
ENGN2222 Engineering Thermodynamics
ENGN3223 Control Systems
ENGN3224 Fluid Mechanics and Heat Transfer
ENGN3226 Digital Communications
ENGN3334 Semiconductors
ENGN3601 Engineering Materials
ENGN3810 Biomechanics and Biomaterials
ENGN3820 Biomedical Imaging
ENGN4027 Sustainable Nanomaterials
ENGN4511 Composite Materials
ENGN4513 Fibre Optics Communications Systems
ENGN4516 Energy Resources and Renewable Technologies
ENGN4524 Photovoltaic Technologies
ENGN4525 Solar Thermal Technologies
ENGN4528 Computer Vision
ENGN4536 Wireless Communications
ENGN4537 Discrete-Time Signal Processing
ENGN4613 Photonic Sensing Systems
ENGN4615 Finite Element Analysis
ENGN4625 Power Electronics
ENGN4627 Robotics
ENGN4810 Nanotechnology and Applications
ENGN4820 Bio Micro and Nano Electro-Mechanical Systems (BioMEMS and BioNEMS)
FINM2001 Corporate Finance
FINM2002 Derivatives
FINM3003 Continuous Time Finance
FINM3007 Advanced Derivatives Pricing and Applications
PHIL1005 Logic and Critical Thinking
PHIL2057 Philosophy of Science
PHIL2061 Philosophy of Mind
PHIL2080 Logic
PHIL2082 Sex and Death: the Philosophy of Biology
PHIL2122 Philosophy and Public Policy
PHIL2123 Philosophy and Science Fiction
PHIL2124 Philosophy of Cognitive Science
PHIL2125 Rationality and Social Cooperation
PHIL2126 Science in Society: Ethics, Public Policy and Scientific Practice
PHIL2127 The Philosophy of Time
PHIL2128 Philosophy of Physics
PHIL3072 Advanced Analytic Philosophy
SOCY2038 Introduction to Quantitative Research Methods
SOCY2043 Introduction to Qualitative Research Methods
STAT1003 Statistical Techniques
STAT1008 Quantitative Research Methods
STAT2001 Introductory Mathematical Statistics
STAT2005 Introduction to Stochastic Processes
STAT2008 Regression Modelling
STAT2032 Financial Mathematics
STAT3004 Stochastic Modelling
STAT3005 Advanced Marketing Research Methods
STAT3006 Advanced Stochastic Processes
STAT3008 Applied Statistics
STAT3011 Graphical Data Analysis
STAT3012 Design of Experiments and Surveys
STAT3013 Statistical Inference
STAT3014 Managerial Decision Analysis
STAT3015 Generalised Linear Modelling
STAT3016 Introduction to Bayesian Data Analysis
STAT3017 Big Data Statistics
STAT3032 Survival Models
STAT3035 Risk Theory
STAT3036 Credibility Theory
STAT3039 Special Topics in Statistics
STAT3040 Statistical Learning
STAT3056 Advanced Mathematical Statistics
VCUG1001 The Art of Computing
VCUG2001 Creating Knowledge
VCUG2002 Leadership and Influence in a Complex World
VCUG2004 Creating Impact
VCUG3001 Unravelling Complexity
VCUG3002 Mobilising Research+B177B176:B201B1A4:B201


Code Title
ANTH2138 Doing Medical Anthropology
BIAN1001 The Human Voyage: Introduction to Biological Anthropology
BIAN2015 Human Skeletal Analysis
BIAN2119 Nutrition, Disease and the Environment
BIAN2120 Culture, Biology and Population Dynamics
BIAN2126 Primate Evolutionary Biology
BIAN2128 Forensic Anthropology and Archaeology
BIAN2130 Ancient Medicine
BIAN2133 Mating and Parenting: Evolutionary Ecology of Human Reproductive Strategies
BIAN3010 Scientific Dating in Archaeology and Palaeoenvironmental Studies
BIAN3014 Research Design and Analysis in Biological Anthropology
BIAN3016 Analysis of Mammalian Remains
BIAN3018 Primate Behavioural Ecology Field School in Cambodia
BIAN3021 Primate Conservation Biology
BIAN3113 Human Evolution
BIAN3124 Evolution and Human Behaviour
BIAN3125 Ancient Health & Disease
BIAN3127 Primate Ecology and Behaviour
BIAN3129 Supervised Research in Biological Anthropology
COMP1007 Basics of Computer Science
COMP1030 Art of Computing
COMP1040 The Craft of Computing
COMP1100 Programming as Problem Solving
COMP1110 Structured Programming
COMP1130 Programming as Problem Solving (Advanced)
COMP1140 Structured Programming (Advanced)
COMP1600 Foundations of Computing (formerly COMP2600)
COMP1710 Web Development and Design
COMP1720 Art and Interaction in New Media
COMP1730 Programming for Scientists
COMP2100 Software Design Methodologies
COMP2120 Software Engineering
COMP2130 Software Analysis and Design
COMP2140 Java Programming
COMP2300 Computer Organisation and Program Execution
COMP2310 Systems, Networks and Concurrency
COMP2400 Relational Databases
COMP2410 Networked Information Systems
COMP2420 Introduction to Data Management, Analysis and Security
COMP2550 Advanced Computing R&D Methods
COMP2560 Studies in Advanced Computing R&D
COMP2610 Information Theory
COMP2620 Logic
COMP2700 Cyber Security Foundations
COMP2710 Special Topics in Computer Science
COMP3100 Software Engineering Group Project
COMP3120 Managing Software Development
COMP3300 Operating Systems Implementation
COMP3310 Computer Networks
COMP3320 High Performance Scientific Computation
COMP3425 Data Mining
COMP3430 Data Wrangling
COMP3500 Software Engineering Project
COMP3530 Systems Engineering for Software Engineers
COMP3550 Advanced Computing R&D Project
COMP3600 Algorithms
COMP3610 Principles of Programming Languages
COMP3620 Artificial Intelligence
COMP3630 Theory of Computation
COMP3650 System Architectural Understanding and the Human Brain
COMP3701 Defensive Cyber Security Operations
COMP3702 Offensive Cyber Security Operations
COMP3710 Topics in Computer Science
COMP3740 Project Work in Computing
COMP3770 Individual Research Project
COMP3900 Human Computer Interface Design and Evaluation
COMP4300 Parallel Systems
COMP4330 Real-Time & Embedded Systems
COMP4340 Multicore Computing: Principles and Practice
COMP4450 Advanced Computing Research Methods
COMP4540 Software Engineering Research Project
COMP4550 Advanced Computing Research Project
COMP4560 Advanced Computing Project
COMP4600 Advanced Algorithms
COMP4610 Computer Graphics
COMP4620 Advanced Topics in Artificial Intelligence
COMP4630 Overview of Logic and Computation
COMP4650 Document Analysis
COMP4660 Bio-inspired Computing: Applications and Interfaces
COMP4670 Introduction to Statistical Machine Learning
COMP4680 Advanced Topics in Statistical Machine Learning
ECON2101 Microeconomics 2 (P)
ECON2111 Microeconomics 2 (H)
ECON2128 Resource and Environmental Economics (P)
ECON2129 Resource and Environmental Economics (H)
ECON2141 Strategic Thinking: An introduction to Game Theory
ECON2142 Strategic Thinking: An Introduction to Game Theory (H)
ECON3100 Economics 3 (H)
ECON3127 Mathematical Economics: Technique and Applications
ECON3128 Resource and Environmental Economics
ECON3152 Game Theory (P)
ECON3153 Game Theory (H)
EMET2007 Econometrics I: Econometric Methods
EMET3004 Econometrics II: Econometric Modelling
EMET3006 Applied Micro-econometrics
EMET3008 Applied Macro and Financial Econometrics
ENGN1215 Engineering Sciences
ENGN1217 Introduction to Mechanics
ENGN1218 Introduction to Electronics
ENGN2222 Engineering Thermodynamics
ENGN3223 Control Systems
ENGN3224 Fluid Mechanics and Heat Transfer
ENGN3226 Digital Communications
ENGN3334 Semiconductors
ENGN3601 Engineering Materials
ENGN3810 Biomechanics and Biomaterials
ENGN3820 Biomedical Imaging
ENGN4027 Sustainable Nanomaterials
ENGN4511 Composite Materials
ENGN4513 Fibre Optics Communications Systems
ENGN4516 Energy Resources and Renewable Technologies
ENGN4524 Photovoltaic Technologies
ENGN4525 Solar Thermal Technologies
ENGN4528 Computer Vision
ENGN4536 Wireless Communications
ENGN4537 Discrete-Time Signal Processing
ENGN4613 Photonic Sensing Systems
ENGN4615 Finite Element Analysis
ENGN4625 Power Electronics
ENGN4627 Robotics
ENGN4810 Nanotechnology and Applications
ENGN4820 Bio Micro and Nano Electro-Mechanical Systems (BioMEMS and BioNEMS)
FINM2001 Corporate Finance
FINM2002 Derivatives
FINM3003 Continuous Time Finance
FINM3007 Advanced Derivatives Pricing and Applications
PHIL1005 Logic and Critical Thinking
PHIL2057 Philosophy of Science
PHIL2061 Philosophy of Mind
PHIL2080 Logic
PHIL2082 Sex and Death: the Philosophy of Biology
PHIL2122 Philosophy and Public Policy
PHIL2123 Philosophy and Science Fiction
PHIL2124 Philosophy of Cognitive Science
PHIL2125 Rationality and Social Cooperation
PHIL2126 Science in Society: Ethics, Public Policy and Scientific Practice
PHIL2127 The Philosophy of Time
PHIL2128 Philosophy of Physics
PHIL3072 Advanced Analytic Philosophy
SOCY2038 Introduction to Quantitative Research Methods
SOCY2043 Introduction to Qualitative Research Methods
STAT1003 Statistical Techniques
STAT1008 Quantitative Research Methods
STAT2001 Introductory Mathematical Statistics
STAT2005 Introduction to Stochastic Processes
STAT2008 Regression Modelling
STAT2032 Financial Mathematics
STAT3004 Stochastic Modelling
STAT3005 Advanced Marketing Research Methods
STAT3006 Advanced Stochastic Processes
STAT3008 Applied Statistics
STAT3011 Graphical Data Analysis
STAT3012 Design of Experiments and Surveys
STAT3013 Statistical Inference
STAT3014 Managerial Decision Analysis
STAT3015 Generalised Linear Modelling
STAT3016 Introduction to Bayesian Data Analysis
STAT3017 Big Data Statistics
STAT3032 Survival Models
STAT3035 Risk Theory
STAT3036 Credibility Theory
STAT3039 Special Topics in Statistics
STAT3040 Statistical Learning
STAT3056 Advanced Mathematical Statistics
VCUG1001 The Art of Computing
VCUG2001 Creating Knowledge
VCUG2002 Leadership and Influence in a Complex World
VCUG2004 Creating Impact
VCUG2005 The Art of Making : A practical course aimed at turning ideas into reality
VCUG3001 Unravelling Complexity
VCUG3002 Mobilising Research


Code Title
ANTH2138 Doing Medical Anthropology
BIAN1001 The Human Voyage: Introduction to Biological Anthropology
BIAN2015 Human Skeletal Analysis
BIAN2119 Nutrition, Disease and the Environment
BIAN2120 Culture, Biology and Population Dynamics
BIAN2126 Primate Evolutionary Biology
BIAN2128 Forensic Anthropology and Archaeology
BIAN2130 Ancient Medicine
BIAN2133 Mating and Parenting: Evolutionary Ecology of Human Reproductive Strategies
BIAN3010 Scientific Dating in Archaeology and Palaeoenvironmental Studies
BIAN3014 Research Design and Analysis in Biological Anthropology
BIAN3016 Analysis of Mammalian Remains
BIAN3018 Primate Behavioural Ecology Field School in Cambodia
BIAN3021 Primate Conservation Biology
BIAN3113 Human Evolution
BIAN3124 Evolution and Human Behaviour
BIAN3125 Ancient Health & Disease
BIAN3127 Primate Ecology and Behaviour
BIAN3129 Supervised Research in Biological Anthropology
COMP1007 Basics of Computer Science
COMP1030 Art of Computing
COMP1040 The Craft of Computing
COMP1100 Programming as Problem Solving
COMP1110 Structured Programming
COMP1130 Programming as Problem Solving (Advanced)
COMP1140 Structured Programming (Advanced)
COMP1600 Foundations of Computing (formerly COMP2600)
COMP1710 Web Development and Design
COMP1720 Art and Interaction in New Media
COMP1730 Programming for Scientists
COMP2100 Software Design Methodologies
COMP2120 Software Engineering
COMP2130 Software Analysis and Design
COMP2140 Java Programming
COMP2300 Computer Organisation and Program Execution
COMP2310 Systems, Networks and Concurrency
COMP2400 Relational Databases
COMP2410 Networked Information Systems
COMP2420 Introduction to Data Management, Analysis and Security
COMP2550 Advanced Computing R&D Methods
COMP2560 Studies in Advanced Computing R&D
COMP2610 Information Theory
COMP2620 Logic
COMP2700 Cyber Security Foundations
COMP2710 Special Topics in Computer Science
COMP3100 Software Engineering Group Project
COMP3120 Managing Software Development
COMP3300 Operating Systems Implementation
COMP3310 Computer Networks
COMP3320 High Performance Scientific Computation
COMP3425 Data Mining
COMP3430 Data Wrangling
COMP3500 Software Engineering Project
COMP3530 Systems Engineering for Software Engineers
COMP3550 Advanced Computing R&D Project
COMP3600 Algorithms
COMP3610 Principles of Programming Languages
COMP3620 Artificial Intelligence
COMP3630 Theory of Computation
COMP3650 System Architectural Understanding and the Human Brain
COMP3701 Defensive Cyber Security Operations
COMP3702 Offensive Cyber Security Operations
COMP3710 Topics in Computer Science
COMP3740 Project Work in Computing
COMP3770 Individual Research Project
COMP3900 Human Computer Interface Design and Evaluation
COMP4300 Parallel Systems
COMP4330 Real-Time & Embedded Systems
COMP4340 Multicore Computing: Principles and Practice
COMP4450 Advanced Computing Research Methods
COMP4540 Software Engineering Research Project
COMP4550 Advanced Computing Research Project
COMP4560 Advanced Computing Project
COMP4600 Advanced Algorithms
COMP4610 Computer Graphics
COMP4620 Advanced Topics in Artificial Intelligence
COMP4630 Overview of Logic and Computation
COMP4650 Document Analysis
COMP4660 Bio-inspired Computing: Applications and Interfaces
COMP4670 Introduction to Statistical Machine Learning
COMP4680 Advanced Topics in Statistical Machine Learning
ECON2101 Microeconomics 2 (P)
ECON2111 Microeconomics 2 (H)
ECON2128 Resource and Environmental Economics (P)
ECON2129 Resource and Environmental Economics (H)
ECON2141 Strategic Thinking: An introduction to Game Theory
ECON2142 Strategic Thinking: An Introduction to Game Theory (H)
ECON3100 Economics 3 (H)
ECON3127 Mathematical Economics: Technique and Applications
ECON3128 Resource and Environmental Economics
ECON3152 Game Theory (P)
ECON3153 Game Theory (H)
EMET2007 Econometrics I: Econometric Methods
EMET3004 Econometrics II: Econometric Modelling
EMET3006 Applied Micro-econometrics
EMET3008 Applied Macro and Financial Econometrics
ENGN1215 Engineering Sciences
ENGN1217 Introduction to Mechanics
ENGN1218 Introduction to Electronics
ENGN2222 Engineering Thermodynamics
ENGN3223 Control Systems
ENGN3224 Fluid Mechanics and Heat Transfer
ENGN3226 Digital Communications
ENGN3334 Semiconductors
ENGN3601 Engineering Materials
ENGN3810 Biomechanics and Biomaterials
ENGN3820 Biomedical Imaging
ENGN4027 Sustainable Nanomaterials
ENGN4511 Composite Materials
ENGN4513 Fibre Optics Communications Systems
ENGN4516 Energy Resources and Renewable Technologies
ENGN4524 Photovoltaic Technologies
ENGN4525 Solar Thermal Technologies
ENGN4528 Computer Vision
ENGN4536 Wireless Communications
ENGN4537 Discrete-Time Signal Processing
ENGN4613 Photonic Sensing Systems
ENGN4615 Finite Element Analysis
ENGN4625 Power Electronics
ENGN4627 Robotics
ENGN4810 Nanotechnology and Applications
ENGN4820 Bio Micro and Nano Electro-Mechanical Systems (BioMEMS and BioNEMS)
FINM2001 Corporate Finance
FINM2002 Derivatives
FINM3003 Continuous Time Finance
FINM3007 Advanced Derivatives Pricing and Applications
PHIL1005 Logic and Critical Thinking
PHIL2057 Philosophy of Science
PHIL2061 Philosophy of Mind
PHIL2080 Logic
PHIL2082 Sex and Death: the Philosophy of Biology
PHIL2122 Philosophy and Public Policy
PHIL2123 Philosophy and Science Fiction
PHIL2124 Philosophy of Cognitive Science
PHIL2125 Rationality and Social Cooperation
PHIL2126 Science in Society: Ethics, Public Policy and Scientific Practice
PHIL2127 The Philosophy of Time
PHIL2128 Philosophy of Physics
PHIL3072 Advanced Analytic Philosophy
SOCY2038 Introduction to Quantitative Research Methods
SOCY2043 Introduction to Qualitative Research Methods
STAT1003 Statistical Techniques
STAT1008 Quantitative Research Methods
STAT2001 Introductory Mathematical Statistics
STAT2005 Introduction to Stochastic Processes
STAT2008 Regression Modelling
STAT2032 Financial Mathematics
STAT3004 Stochastic Modelling
STAT3005 Advanced Marketing Research Methods
STAT3006 Advanced Stochastic Processes
STAT3008 Applied Statistics
STAT3011 Graphical Data Analysis
STAT3012 Design of Experiments and Surveys
STAT3013 Statistical Inference
STAT3014 Managerial Decision Analysis
STAT3015 Generalised Linear Modelling
STAT3016 Introduction to Bayesian Data Analysis
STAT3017 Big Data Statistics
STAT3032 Survival Models
STAT3035 Risk Theory
STAT3036 Credibility Theory
STAT3039 Special Topics in Statistics
STAT3040 Statistical Learning
STAT3056 Advanced Mathematical Statistics
VCUG1001 The Art of Computing
VCUG2001 Creating Knowledge
VCUG2002 Leadership and Influence in a Complex World
VCUG2004 Creating Impact
VCUG2005 The Art of Making : A practical course aimed at turning ideas into reality
VCUG3001 Unravelling Complexity
VCUG3002 Mobilising Research