Application for status (credit transfer)

school Level

Degree level

What do you need to complete the Application for credit form?

Prior to submitting your Application for credit, you will need to obtain the following documents:

  • An academic transcript (if applying for credit from an external institution)
  • Course outlines (if applying for credit from an external institution)
    • These can be links compiled into a document if the outlines are publicly available on the institutions website. Otherwise, please combine all outlines into one document prior to uploading.
  • A copy of your Study Abroad/Exchange/Cross Institutional Study approval letter (if required)

You will also need to prepare a personal statement which should address the following:

  • What your Majors, Minors and/or Specialisations you intend on completing
  • Your anticipated completion of study
  • What ANU courses you are hoping to receive credit for
  • Your study plan for the remainder of your program at ANU (this can be uploaded in the “Additional documentation” section of the form if you have built a study plan with one of the study plan templates linked below.)

Note: If you are a postgraduate student, you will need speak to your Program Convenor to seek their approval prior to completing this form. You will be required to upload a copy of their email approval to finalise your application.