College Protocol for Cross-Institutional Study
If you are studying at the ANU College of Science and Medicine, you can request permission to study a course or courses at another Australian institution and have credit awarded towards your current ANU program.
For information regarding studying courses at an overseas institution please refer to the College Protocol on Credit for Overseas Study.
Please note that credit that appears on your record will not include the grade you achieve at the other university.
- The student must have completed 48 units at the ANU before applying.
- Undergraduate students, can enrol in no more than 24 units of cross-institutional study (regardless of whether they are enrolled in a single degree, or a combined/flexible double degree).
- Postgraduate students, can enrol in no more than 12 units of cross-institutional study. This must be approved by the Program Convener.
- Students must:
- have compelling reasons to study at another institution, e.g. caring for a close relative away from Canberra; or
- be undertaking an approved course at a partner institution.
- The student must not be on Academic Probation or Show Cause.
- The student must ensure that they meet any prerequisites for the external course(s).
- Cross-Institutional Study Applications must be submitted and approved prior to undertaking the study.
- Applications must be submitted by 31 January to commence study in Semester 1 or 30 June to commence study in Semester 2.
Application process
Submit the following documents via email to for the College of Science and Medicine programs.
- Detailed course outlines from the other institution. This should contain:
- Detailed course description
- Detailed list of topics covered
- Prescribed textbook and other required reading
- Prerequisites including the outlines or descriptions of those prerequisite courses.
- Contact hours
3. A brief, personal statement outlining the reasons for cross institutional study (evidence of these reasons may be requested after application if deemed necessary).
Applications may take some time to be assessed and students will be notified via email of the outcome. It is the student’s responsibility to be aware of any enrolment deadlines at the host institution and to allow ample time for ANU approval.
Host institution enrolment
If the cross-institutional study application is approved, the student is responsible to enrol themselves at the host institution and any associated fees.
After completing their cross institutional study, the student submits the following documents to via email to for College of Science and Medicine programs programs:
- Official transcript from the host institution.
- The Science approval email from Science Central from Step 3.
Please note if you intend to complete your program and graduate after completing the cross institutional course (s), you must provide the official transcript to the College before the ANU results release date (found on the University principal dates website). If you cannot provide the transcript before this date, you may not be able to attend the graduation ceremony that semester. Equally, a delay in providing a transcript may affect your ability to enrol in honours.
Please note that whilst the results of your coursework taken elsewhere to ANU are not added to your cumulative ANU GPA, the results can be used in academic assessment for further study options depending on the program, nomination or scholarship requirements (e.g. Honours, University Medal, Medical School or Post-graduate study).
Approved: Deputy Dean Education 11th June 2022