Course overlap in majors, minors and specialisations


This document provides information for students on alternative course choices when a course or courses are required in more than one major, minor or specialisation.
school Level

Degree level


This document provides information for students on alternative course choices when a course or courses are required in more than one major, minor or specialisation.

Between Flexible Double Degrees

Can I double count courses between my major and another degree?

If you are in a Flexible Double Degree and a course is compulsory in your science major and also in the other degree, you can substitute the course.  You still require 48 units to contribute towards your major.

If the course is 1000 level, then it can be replaced with any science course, it does not have to be specified in the major. If it is a 2000 or 3000 level, it must be replaced from the major list at the same level or higher.

Can I double count courses between my minor or specialisation and another degree?

If you are in a Flexible Double Degree and a course is compulsory in your science minor or specialisation and also in the other degree, the course must be replaced from the minor or specialisation list. The replacement course must be at the same level or higher.

Within science degrees

Can I double count 1000 level courses between two science majors?

You can count a maximum of 12 units of 1000 level courses towards more than one major. As this ‘double-counting’ is permitted, you can replace the 1000 level courses with an equal number of units from the science course list. However, ensure that you remain within the maximum 60 units of 1000 level courses for a single degree, and 36 units for the science component of a Flexible Double Degree.

Can I double count 1000 level courses between a science major and a minor?

You cannot ‘double-count’ 1000 level courses between a major and a minor. The course must count towards the major or minor but not both. The overlapping course must be substituted with another course from the major or minor list. You still require 48 units to contribute towards your major and 24 units towards your minor.

Can I double count 2000 or 3000 level courses between a science major, minor or specialisation?

You cannot ‘double-count’ 2000 or 3000 level courses between a major, minor or specialisation.  Another course from either the major, minor and/or specialisation must be selected. The replacement course must be at the same level or higher.

Note there are some combinations of programs, majors and minors that you can not take and meet the requirements of both even with substitutions as described above.

Notification: If you intend to substitute a 2000 or 3000 level course please email In your email please include the majors, minors, specialisations or degrees with the overlap, the courses that overlap and the replacement courses.

Email if you are not able to follow these guidelines for any reason.