Bachelor of Biotechnology
Publication date
Monday, 10 Jan 2022
Study plan examples
How to use the study plan
- Fill in the boxes using information from your current academic history.
- If you have been given credit for study elsewhere, try to see how it fits in. If you have been given specific credit this may be easy to do, if you have been given unspecified credit you may need to check if it is Science or Non-Science. If it is Non-Science it will need to be allocated against your other electives. If it is Science you should be able to slot it in against one or more of the Science requirements paying close attention to the level of study.
- If you need to nominate majors/minors or specialisations and the rules changed during your degree, choose a year that best fits the plan you have been following.
If you have any questions after filling out a study plan or would just like us to check it over for your own piece of mind, please email it to including your name and student number and – we will get back to you as soon as we can.