Publication & presentation opportunities
Find more information about how and when you can share your research.
Please note that the best resource to help you is your academic supervisor and any post-graduate students you may have worked with.
Options for ANU undergraduate and postgraduate coursework students
- ANU Student Research Conference (SRC): The ANU SRC is usually a two-day conference in the spring, usually September, that includes oral and poster presentations by current undergraduate, Honours and postgraduate coursework students of ANU and workshops hosted by ANU learning communities.
- ANU Open Research Repository in the Student Output Collection: Coursework students at The Australian National University (ANU) can now publish their research in the University’s Open Research Repository, which provides a dedicated digital space for the research outputs of ANU undergraduate, Honours and postgraduate coursework students. The repository is a project between Student Experience and Career Development and the ANU Library.
- ANU Undergraduate Research Journal: AURJ selects and reviews undergraduate essay submissions across a wide range of fields. One issue a year is produced and can be accessed online at no cost. You can see the 2016 issue here.
- The Human Voyage: Undergraduate Research in Biological Anthropology is a journal that publishes outstanding student articles in all areas of biological anthropology, including primatology, palaeoanthropology, bioarchaeology and human behavioural ecology. While the primary goal of this journal is to publish work of the highest quality authored by undergraduate students, it will also educate students in regards to publishing in academia. All submissions will be peer-reviewed and edited by ANU academic staff.
Undergraduate research organisations & conferences
- Australasian Conference of Undergraduate Research (ACUR) is a non-profit association in New South Wales, Australia whose mission is is to promote and advance the spread of undergraduate research in Australasia. ACUR publishes URNA (Undergraduate Research News Australasia), a newsletter designed to provide information about developments, upcoming events, and resources on engaging undergraduates in research and inquiry. ACUR also holds conferences and events, including an annual Conference and periodic Posters in Parliament.
- Council on Undergraduate Research (CUR): CUR is a non-profit organization based in the United States that supports and encourages undergraduate research opportunities. While most of their activities focus on faculty and institutional development, they sponsor two annual student events that offer undergraduates the opportunity to present their research, the National Conference on Undergraduate Research and Posters on the Hill.
- The International Conference of Undergraduate Research (ICUR) is an annual event that is unique in concept and design. Using the latest in high-definition video conferencing technology, it connects students from universities across the world to a single 24-hour forum. It is a platform to showcase the work of some of the world’s best undergraduate researchers from any discipline or area. Undergraduates present their research in joint sessions alongside peers on the other side of the world, interacting with fellow presenters and audiences in real-time through video-links and social media.
- Online Conference for Undergraduate Research in Australia (OCURA) allows undergraduate research students an opportunity to gain experience and present their work in a virtual online space. There is usually no registration fee and it is open to all schools of undergraduate research (including honours*) across all Australian universities.
Helpful websites
- Web Guide to Undergraduate Research (WebGURU) (comprehensive guide for undergraduate research in the USA). Includes general information on Getting Started, including selecting a supervisor, who is called an advisor in the US, and questions to ask.
Lists of undergraduate research journals
- Undergraduate Research Journals (from the University of Nebraska - Lincoln)
- Undergraduate Research Journal Listing (from Council on Undergraduate Research)