APR.Intern - Industrial Monitoring and Control

Satellite Image-Based Whale Detection and Tracking System - Work within a team of experienced engineers to develop a satellite image-based computer vision model for automatically identifying and tracking whales.

label Opportunity type

Student opportunity type

External internship
schedule Application date
Applications open/close
12 Jan 2021 | 8pm - 30 Jan 2021 | 12am
school Level

Degree level



contact_support Contact
Contact name
Internship course convenor
Contact number


Credit : To be confirmed upon successful application

 Industrial Monitoring and Control is looking for a PhD student who meets some or all of the criteria below:

  • Interest in conservation and marine species.
  • Mathematics, engineering, software programming or data science background; particularly in the areas of computer vision and AI/ML model development.
  • Programming and technical skills in Python, MongoDB and AWS are beneficial.

Full details of the internship project, including duration, eligibility, scholarship and application can be found at:
