Australian Science Innovations - Informing Engagement Strategy for the Alumni of Australian Science Olympiads

Work with a leading provider of science programs to strengthen alumni engagement.

label Opportunity type

Student opportunity type

College approved Internship
schedule Application date
Applications open/close
24 Mar 2022 | 8pm - 14 Apr 2022 | 3am
school Level

Degree level



contact_support Contact
Contact name
Internship course convenor
Contact number


Credit : For credit

Australian Science Innovations (ASI) is one of Australia’s leading providers of innovative and challenging science programs, competitions and residential camps for high achievers. Our vision is to contribute to building Australia’s scientific community through inspiring and developing our best science students.


Internship details
Availability Semester 2, 2022
  • Science communication
  • All sciences
  • Undergraduate 3rd year
  • Postgraduate coursework
Open to international students Yes
Preferred project skills
  • Strong oral communication skills, including interview skills
  • Strong written communication skills
  • Analytical skills
  • Critical thinking skills
Clearances required ACT Working With Vulnerable People check (WWVP). See:
Host supervisor
  • Vanessa Kates, Program Manager - Alumni, Australian Science Innovations (; Ph: 0410 870 054)

ASI Office

ANU Research School of Physics

60 Mills Rd, ANU

It is preferable that the position is based in the ASI office, however, flexibility to work remotely once established can be negotiated


ASI is connected to approximately 800 Alumni, with relationships ranging from strong (staff/volunteers and donors) to cursory (minor engagement with social media). In 2021, the ASI board committed resources to develop and deliver an Alumni Engagement Strategy, in order to strengthen the relationship between the organisation and its Alumni.


Your challenge is to:

  1. Complete a series of surveys and focus groups to understand and evaluate the attitudes, experiences and intentions of the ASI Alumni.
  1. Provide recommendations for activities that ASI can conduct, which are beneficial and meaningful to both ASI and Alumni.
  1. Provide feedback on current Alumni communication methods and provide recommendations for improvement.

You will be required to present your findings as a two-page document and as a 15-minute presentation to the Executive Director and Alumni Program Manager in October 2022.



Informing Engagement Strategy for the Alumni of Australian Science Olympiads