Fight Food Waste Limited - Understanding International Retail Specifications for Horticulture Crops

Review and document current standards applied by retailers and broader food markets for horticulture products.

label Opportunity type

Student opportunity type

College approved Internship
schedule Application date
Applications open/close
7 Sep 2022 | 9am - 2 Oct 2022 | 11:59pm
school Level

Degree level



Stop Food Waste Australia is the program delivery arm of Fight Food Waste Limited. We are Australia’s, and one of the world’s, largest food waste research, development, extension and commercialisation initiatives.

We have four main delivery mechanisms: the Australian Food Pact, Sector Action Plans, Engagement and MERI. We are funded by the national government to assist industry and consumers to reduce Australia’s food waste by half by 2030 in line with SDG. 12.3.

We pride ourselves on our practical and collaborative approaches to problem solving.

Project: Understanding International Retail Specifications for Horticulture Crops

Internship details

Internship Availability

Summer,  2023

Internship Discipline/s

Environment & Sustainability; Commerce; Policy; Agriculture

Internship Level

3rd yr Undergraduate; Postgraduate Coursework

Available to International Students


Preferred Project Skills:

  • Project management
  • Research
  • Critical thinking & analysis
  • Data & systems analysis

Clearances Required


Host Supervisor

Carolyn Cameron

Stop Food Waste Australia

Sector Action Plan Lead

0434 666 304


Regus Offices

Office 117, 15 Tench Street

Kingston ACT 2604

Remote time TBD if desired/required due to COVID restrictions or personal circumstances

Project Opportunities/Benefits for the Intern

The student will gain experience in conducting background research to inform larger research projects, engaging with stakeholders, and synthesising international information to inform domestic policy.


The student will review and document current standards applied by retailers and broader food markets for horticulture products, both domestically and internationally.

Studies in Australia have shown that 10-20% of all horticultural crops are wasted due to not meeting retailers’ aesthetic standards (size, colour, shape minor defects such as skin blemishes). None of these factors affect the edibility, shelf life, nutritional or health value of the food.

Internationally aesthetic standards are more flexible, enabling a higher percentage of crops to go to market. EU, USA and UK standards will be accessed and reviewed to provide a comparison for basic commodities such as tomatoes, apples, potatoes and carrots.

If possible, it would be good to identify the origin and rationale for the standards and estimate food losses (in tonnes and profitability) associated with implementing those standards. Ancillary information on how the standards are practically implemented and the destination of non- standard products would be helpful.

Once the information is collated the student will be part of a stakeholder workshop to review findings, consider impacts on Australian food production and losses, and identify interventions that could alter the previous trajectory of food loss related to the implementation of standards.

Final outputs will include a report compiling domestic and international standards for targeted horticulture crops, analysis of the impact on food loss and grower profitability and recommendations for improvements.
