Food2Soil - Analyse the Mechanistic Function of the Food2Soil Product on Soil and Plant Health

Work with unique and innovative technology to ferment commercial food waste and create a nutritionally rich & microbially ALIVE biofertiliser.

label Opportunity type

Student opportunity type

College approved Internship
schedule Application date
Applications open/close
16 Mar 2023 | 9am - 3 Apr 2023 | 5pm
school Level

Degree level



Food2Soil is the first of its kind. We use a unique and innovative technology to ferment commercial food waste and create a nutritionally rich & microbially ALIVE biofertiliser.. think kombucha for plants and soil.

We are female founded and owned, our process not only diverts food waste from landfill and reduces harmful greenhouse gas emissions but also boosts plant health and soil capacity to recapture carbon from the atmosphere. Food2Soil gives gardeners & ag producer an alternative to synthetic based fertilisers which are harmful to ecosystems and enables customers to feel good about supporting a business designed for a better world.

Project: Analyse the Mechanistic Function of the Food2Soil Product on Soil and Plant Health

Internship details

Internship Availability

Semester 2, 2023

Internship Discipline/s

  • Biology
  • Environmental Science

Internship Level

2nd or 3rd yr Undergraduate; Postgraduate Coursework

Available to International Students


Preferred Project Skills:

  • Basic soil biology knowledge or interest/willingness to learn
  • Interest in environmental science and carbon reduction projects
  • Interest in agriculture and/or horticulture

Clearances Required


Host Supervisor

Co-founders and CEOs

Josie Grenfell, T: 0421 351 134

Annabel Schweiger, T: 0418 249 295



ACT/Canberra and surrounding areas, likely ANU or affiliated greenhouses, 50% onsite & 50% from home office (to be negotiated depending on project type). Weekly contact eith Food2Soil team.

Project Opportunities/Benefits for the Intern

  • Students get to work with an Australian first innovative, welcoming and open-minded team. They will gain insight into the role microbes and natural nutrients play in plant growth and soil health, as opposed to traditional synthetic fertiliser inputs.
  • Biofertilisers (aka Biostimulants) are a growing market (further advanced in USA and Europe than Australia) and expected to match traditional fertiliser revenue in the next 20 years. Great opportunity to gain early insight into a burgeoning field.
  • The Food2Soil business is in its early stages of development and will recruit passionate staff as it grows. Thus, there will be employment opportunities in the future, particularly for students who have prior insight and knowledge of the business and product.


The project will focus on soil remediation using Food2Soil i.e. after soil has been damaged by either mechanical, chemical or other damaging means. One objective could be to determine the timeframe for which the microbes in Food2Soil can be applied and thrive after using glyphosate.

The intern will work in a greenhouse or lab, as well as working remotely, with weekly contact with the Food2Soil team.

The intern will produce a scientific report at the end of the internship on the findings as well as an executive-level summary.
