Institute for Climate, Energy and Disaster Solutions (ICEDS) - Data Pre-processing for Modelling Tropical Cyclones in the Australian Region

Review available data sets for modelling Tropical Cyclone activity in the Australian region and examine pre-processors to corresponding data sources.

label Opportunity type

Student opportunity type

College approved Internship
schedule Application date
Applications open/close
31 Aug 2023 | 9am - 15 Sep 2023 | 5pm
school Level

Degree level



ICEDS connects people with climate, energy & disaster-risk research from The Australian National University.

Our goal is to advance innovative solutions to address climate change, energy system transitions and disasters. We facilitate integrated approaches to research, teaching and policy, industry and community engagement across disciplines.

The Disaster Solutions team within ICEDS is focused on exploring innovative ways to prevent, prepare for and respond to disasters.

Project:  Data Pre-processing for Modelling Tropical Cyclones in the Australian Region

Internship details

Internship Availability

Semester 1,  2024

Internship Discipline/s

Science (atmospheric sciences/meteorology

Internship Level

2nd or 3rd yr undergraduate, or PG coursework

Available to International Students


Preferred Project Skills

Some experience in literature review, data collection and data analysis

Clearances Required


Host Supervisor

Program Manager, Disaster Solutions, ICEDS


ICEDS (Coombs Building)

Project Opportunities/Benefits for the Intern

Will develop strong skills in literature review, data collection and data analysis


Review of available data sets for modelling Tropical Cyclone activity in the Australian region and examine pre-processors to corresponding data sources. Pre-process data to create inputs for model simulations.