Sheep Producers Australia: Understanding the Value & Potential for Agroforestry
Investigate the optimal capacity for sheep producers to adopt and utilise agroforestry in their agricultural operations.
Student opportunity type
Degree level
Sheep Producers Australia (SPA) is the national peak body representing Australia's 20,000 sheep meat producers. Our producers work hard, and we do too to enhance the productivity, profitability and sustainability of the sector. We do this by:
· advocating on behalf of producers with government and industry stakeholders
· monitoring investment of producer levies
· engaging with our State Farming Organisation members
· consulting with industry and sharing important information and solutions
· improving understanding of the key issues facing Australian sheep farmers via media and other communication and engagement channels.
Project: Understanding the Value & Potential for Agroforestry
Internship details | |
Internship Availability | Semester 1, 2025 |
Internship Discipline/s |
Internship Level | 3rd year Undergraduate and Postgraduate Coursework preferred |
Available to International Students | No |
Preferred Project Skills: |
Clearances Required | No |
Host Supervisor | Carolyn Cameron, Environmental Policy Adviser Sheep Producers Australia E: T: 0434 666 304 |
Location | Sheep Producers Australia Burns Centre 28 National Circuit Barton, ACT 2600 |
Project Opportunities/Benefits for the Intern | The student will gain experience in conducting background research to inform larger research projects, working with and presenting to producer and government stakeholders. |
Agroforestry incorporates trees and bushland into agricultural/farm operations. The key purpose behind agroforestry from a production standpoint, is to shelter and protect soil, animals and crops from harmful weather conditions such as strong winds and heavy rains etc. However, with the emergence of climate sustainability and the necessity of emission reductions, the agricultural sector has found a dual purpose of agroforestry as a carbon sink and an effective way for producers to reduce their carbon footprint. Agroforestry has a great ability to sequester carbon while the flora develops. However, once it reaches maturity and carbon absorption is no longer optimal, the value of this system for reducing emissions decreases.
Project Objective: This project will investigate the optimal capacity for sheep producers to adopt and utilise agroforestry in their agricultural operations. The project will examine the financial viability of incorporating agroforestry versus addressing other sustainability reporting requirements.