Orica Australia - Rock Blasting: This is great opportunity to work with a renowned Australian company that operates internationally. Work on a cutting edge and novel project that could have a significant impact on the mining industry as well as important sustainability benefits through waste reduction.

label Opportunity type

Student opportunity type

External internship
schedule Application date
Applications open/close
14 Jan 2021 | 8pm - 28 Jan 2021 | 4am
school Level

Degree level



contact_support Contact
Contact name
Internship course convenor
Contact number


Credit : To be confirmed upon successful application

Orica is looking for:

Geologist (in order to characterise the geology and microfractures). Note that Geology is the internal skills gap we need to fill most, but would consider other areas as this is a multi-disciplinary project, such as Mining Engineer or Chemical Engineer.

Full details of the internship project, including duration, eligibility, scholarship and application can be found at:
